Mother of the Bride, does your daughter’s intended happen to be a wrestling fan? If you’re not sure, check with him or your daughter pronto. You may have just found the perfect groom’s cake for him!
Show your son-in-law-to-be this WWE Wrestle Mania cake and see if he thinks it’s just right for his upcoming main event. If it rings his bell, you will score some big mother-in-law points. Woohoo, right?!
Even if this particular cake isn’t quite what he wants, it might spark an idea of what would indeed be the perfect cake for him. He may want a different wrestling ring or he might want a boxing ring or maybe even a race track. Who knows what neat new insight you’ll gain into your son-in-law to be!
So suggest away, MOB. You might just have a winner!
*You might also like to read Groom’s Cake Idea: Law Books (or any other books!), Groom’s Cake Toppers for the Hunter, Groom’s Cake Idea: Alma Mater Pride, and Groom’s Cake Idea: His Favorite Set of Wheels.
*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.
*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, will come out in early May. Sign-up is FREE! *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.
*Flickr photo by Graceful Cake Creations, Creative Commons License
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