Some people decorate for the holidays with Santas and snowmen, but me — I decorate with Christmas books! Okay, I decorate with all the other Christmasy stuff, too, but holiday gift books hold a prominent spot in my Christmas decor scheme of things (though not all in one group like the photo above — that’s just for this post).
Christmas books offer us more than most other traditional Yuletide displays. Not only do they appeal to the eye, they appeal to the spirit as well. Somehow they call out, inviting us to pick them up and delight in the treasures they hold.
Some of the books I place throughout my home during the holidays feature the work of master artists as well as the endearing words of writers, old and new. Years ago, I bought Christmas at our House, written and illustrated by Donna Green, in hopes of starting a new family tradition — an after dinner holiday family time. That year went well because the book also served as a memory book, giving us spaces to write in our own favorite holiday memories and traditions. In later years, however, the girls balked at some of my attempts to continue after dinner holiday family time. Imagine that — teenagers not enjoying family time! :)
Other favorites include Thomas Kinkade’s I’ll Be Home for Christmas, which features quotes and selections from classic authors alongside his trademark paintings of warmth and light, and Charles Schulz’s The Joy Of A Peanuts Christmas serving up some of our best loved characters’ never to be forgotten Christmas humor. Also on my favorites list are books that feature spiritual thoughts and reflection, and Joni Eareckson Tada’s A Christmas Longing more than fills the bill.
Christmas books, if we’ll take the time to enjoy them, can lead to wonderful family times as well as meaningful personal time as we worship the One whose birth we celebrate. Let’s spend some time this season with a great Christmas book. Let’s spend some time with Him!
“…’We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.'” Matthew 2:2b
*Question for you: What are some of your favorite Christmas books? (I’d love to get some suggestions for some Christmas fiction this year…)
**Great Suggestion from Annette for a Christmas Outreach: When sending your Christmas cards, send at least one to this address: A Recovering American Soldier c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center 6900 Georgia Avenue NW; Washington, D.C. 20307.
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