Marathon Man — Pressing On

2940580430_b07aae52ac_zDon, my amazing husband, has morphed again. You read about him first as Canyon Man. A couple of months later, he became Paint Man, and this past March, Tax Man made an appearance. But June calls for yet another persona, a supercharged persona. June calls for Marathon Man.

Usually Don’s alter egos take over when he’s on break from his teaching duties, but the intense demands of teaching Micro as well as Anatomy & Physiology in a 4-week time frame require the energy and stamina of a superteacher. And that superteacher is none other than Don, my mighty Marathon Man.

Teaching these courses in the summer keeps him moving as fast and as hard as he can. Since he’s in the classroom from 8 to 5 with only a break for lunch, all his prep and clean-up have to be done after the students are gone. With these particular lab courses, that translates into hours and hours of additional work.

This summer session has proved to be even more difficult than most because his classes are so large. More students means twice as much lab prep and clean-up. Many nights he doesn’t get home until 9 or 10, and two or three times a week it’s been midnight or one before he comes dragging in. He’s had only two early nights the entire month of June — one 7 p.m. and one 8 p.m. Sometimes he’s even had to go in early after those late nights to finish setting up lab tests.

I’m not sure where he gets the strength to carry on, but I know he’s kept the finish line in sight at all times (by the way, it’s this Friday!). He always knows exactly how many days remain and how many lectures and tests he has left. He simply perseveres and presses on toward the goal — which this month has become making it out alive! Only a true Marathon Man could accomplish it.

I know some of you are running marathons of your own. You’re wondering how you’re going to face another day or where you’ll get the strength to carry on. I encourage you to take a lesson from Marathon Man and keep the finish line in sight. Like Don, “…press on toward the goal to win the prize…” (Philippians 3:14)

And then? Give God the glory. After all, He’s the one who gives the grace and strength needed to finish our marathons.

“I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

Flickr photo by mikebaird, Creative Commons License


  1. Excellent post! I’ve always been amazed at Dad’s ability to make it through the long days (and nights) of the summer session. I don’t know how he does it. It is inspiring to me though! I’m glad he (and you) get a much deserved vacation soon!!

  2. Great post, cheryl. You must have an amazing dh. I’ll bet he spends the entire month of July in a hammock somewhere!


  3. Here’s hoping for a good finish and then some much needed rest in the days to come!


  4. Hooray for your husband. He inspired me as Canyon man, now I’m even more motivated! With his schedule the excuses not too train far outweigh the reasons to keep at it. I commend his dedication and commitment. Perseverance is a beautiful thing.

    Blessings to you both.

  5. Thanks all, on behalf of Don, for your words of encouragement.

    Kelli, I hope I didn’t make it sound like he is training for an actual marathon. The marathon I’m speaking of is just making it through the month of summer school! That will be quite a feat in itself!

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