Tweet, Tweet…

Birds are not the only ones tweeting nowadays. Twitter lovers tweet several times a day, sometimes several times an hour. It’s the newest craze in social media — unless something else has popped up that I’m not clued into yet. By the way, that’s totally possible :)

I’m not going to try to explain twitter because I’m not a tweeter yet. I haven’t even investigated it beyond looking up the site to provide the link above. That may have to change one day, though, since writers are being strongly encouraged to network and stay up-to-date on industry news through twittering and tweeting, but for now I’ve decided to stay Twitter-free. (In fact, the Twitter debate has been the topic of conversation the past few days on The Christian Writers View 2.)

Why Twitter-free? I’m not sure I could keep up with it right now — my own tweets plus scanning everyone else’s. And since I’m technologically challenged :), it would be just one more thing for me to try to figure out. Also, I can sometimes get so sidetracked by the things I’m doing to try to have a web presence that it interferes with actual writing time. So for now, I’ve decided to hold off on Twitter. My blogging along with Facebook will have to suffice.

I realize I may have to succumb someday, but until then, I’ll be getting my tweets the old-fashioned way. Birds! That’s right — birds. I love poking my head out the door each morning to listen to them sing. It’s pure music for the soul.

If you haven’t discovered the joy of listening daily to the songs of the birds and other sounds of the morning, I challenge you to give it a try. It takes no longer than 30 seconds — 60 if you really indulge. The beauty and refreshment God has provided right outside the doors of our own homes can minister to our souls if we’ll only take the time to drink them in.

So let’s step away from the computer and put our cell phones away. Let’s not miss the best tweets of all!

“Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary…” Psalm 150:1a

Flickr photo by me’nthedogs


  1. I’m right there with you, Cheryl! Who has the time to do all this stuff we writers are supposed to do???????? When are we supposed to write?

  2. On the other hand, Vonda and Cheryl, Twitter is the perfect excuse not to get your work down. Perfect distraction for procrastinators everywhere. ;-)

  3. Vonda, thanks for sharing your thoughts — it’s encouraging to know that you, a published author, have some of the same questions I do!

    And Renae — like I need another excuse! :) Nice to hear that I’m not the only one who gets distracted!

  4. tried twitter I have an acoount, I hate it and i never use it. i would soay no to it ir i were you.
    On the other tweets tho I would say alhtough I don’t listen to the birds in the morning I do enjoy the view form my bedroom window. if I look out it just right all I can see is the green trees.It’s so relaxing to just reflect on the beauty God has created before starting a busy day.

  5. Comments on both tweets, lol.

    I have a twitter account. The first one was a public one, I got bogged down trying to keep up with everyone’s day. Some use twitter (like me) to announce when they have posted something on a blog. Others just use it as a chit chat, like, going to lunch, going out with the kids, etc. I also found that you get a lot of people who want to ‘follow’ you just to add their numbers to say they have X amount of followers. You can also follow publishing companies, etc, but they maninly advertiese new releases, discount sales, etc. It gets to be a bother. THEN the biggee, is there are LOTS of unsaved people out there who are using twitter for unclean things. You have the option to block them as followers, and many of them I did. blech.
    I’m fading out my public account, and started a private one, though I’m not doing too much, because the couple of followers there are also readers of my blogs. So I think I’m going to really stick to blogging. That’s another thing, you are limited to 140 characters/spaces per post. You really can’t say that much in that short time. I’d rather blog and say more.

    As to the other tweets, I do take morning walks after I put my kiddo on the bus. We both enjoy seeing the birds and hearing them as well. Then on my morning walks, I ENJOY them immensely. Thanks. There’s a post coming about some birds.

  6. Cheryl, GREAT POST! I am a Twitterer but I limit it to once or twice a day, each visit 5 minutes tops. At first it was new and fun, now it’s just okay, but I do like it with BOUNDARIES! :0)

    The Tweet of birds, well that is God made and fabulous!

  7. I’m not a twitter or a tweeter; absolutely no desire. I’m with you; let me head outdoors to get my fill.


  8. Cheryl,
    I followed the conversation this week on TWV2 and didn’t want to chime in since everyone seemed to be for Twitter.

    But, I’m like you I enjoy my tweets to come from the windows outside my office as I work. I have zero desire to become a Twitterer. I can’t even keep up with visiting all of my blog friends. And I barely visit my

    I wonder what the future will have to say about some of this social networking. In the meantime, it’s good to know I”m not the only writer holding out.

  9. Hey all you gals who chimed in today (Thurs.) — so interesting to hear everyone’s take on Twitter.

    Robbie, sounds like you have the right idea about limiting time spent on it — just don’t know if I’d be able to limit it enough. I’m afraid I would feel compelled to try to read all the tweets. And Kelli, I’ve been encouraged as well to hear from other writers who are holding back on it for now. Time will tell, I guess…

  10. Great post Cheryl!!! It’s so true that in today’s modernized world we can so easily forget God’s amazing handiwork!

  11. You should have been camping with us – alot of “tweets” as well as rustling, growling and some other unidentified sounds!!

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