Bridal Headpiece Idea: The Flower Crown


Mother of the Bride, if your daughter has settled on her dress for her big day, now is the time to start considering veils and/or headpieces. What will look best with her dress? Her hair? What fits her personality?

The flower crown is one option that is done less often than others, but it could be just right for your sweet girl. If she tends to be playful, likes whimsy, or has earthy leanings and also wants part of her attire to look a little more casual, a crown of roses, daisies, baby’s breath, or any number of other flower combinations might be the answer to her headpiece decision. She can choose fresh, dried, or even fabric flowers and shop for her dream flower crown in stores or online, or she could ask the florist, a family member, or a friend to fashion one for her.

More of than not, veils aren’t used with flower crown headpieces, but that’s not always the case. Brides can do whatever they want. However, flower crown headpieces don’t need a veil. So if your daughter prefers not to wear a veil, this particular headpiece option might be perfect for her.

Why not toss out the flower crown headpiece idea, MOB, and see if it strikes your daughter’s bridal-hair fancy. If it does, you’re one step closer to completing her big day look!

*Here are some options on the Flower Hair Wreaths Pinterest page.

*You might also like to read In Lieu of a Veil: Floral Bridal Combs or Hairpins.


*Flickr photos by ~ Hatty Photo, Creative Commons License

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