We’ve all heard the phrase it’s in the details. Over the past few years, I’ve seen this principle proved true time and again. Yes indeed, attention to detail makes all the difference.
Attention to detail is the common denominator that makes a conference successful, a party fantastic, or wedding celebration amazing. In fact, I’d say attention to detail plays a significant role in making any event truly outstanding.
For example, I’m sure months of careful planning went into making the Maranatha Christian Writers Conference I attended in September the excellent conference that it was. Also, our daughters’ wedding celebrations shone as brightly as they did because we gave meticulous thought and attention to a myriad of details for months leading up to their big days. After Kristin’s wedding, I actually received a note from one of her bridesmaids telling me how much she enjoyed the wedding weekend and how the attention to detail made everything perfect.
Attention to detail makes all the difference in creative endeavors as well. Writers bring stories to life through vivid details they’ve carefully selected. Artists work on a piece until the details are exactly what they want and just the right effect is achieved. Musicians perfect their techniques and dynamics until the sound we hear transports us. These creators’ attention to detail moves their work from ordinary to extraordinary.
The Creator of all creators provides the example above all examples. His attention to detail astounds any of us who take the time to notice the intricate details and workings of the natural world around us. Our very bodies display his amazing handiwork as well.
In addition to seeing God’s detailed care in all of creation, we also see through his Word that details are important to him. Consider the specific instructions, including exact measurements, that he gave concerning the building of the tabernacle as well as the specifics concerning its contents (as one example, see Exodus 25:31-40 for details about a lampstand). Yes, God gave attention to details.
Let’s think of our lives today. What is crying out for our attention to detail right now? Possibly an event, a job, or a creative endeavor, or maybe our health or a relationship with a loved one or with the Lord? Are we willing to devote the time and effort to make these things truly shine?
Let’s move from ordinary to extraordinary. Let’s strive for outstanding. Let’s give attention to detail.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23
*When have you seen attention to detail make all the difference? What awaits your attention to detail right now?
*The Life Notes Subscriber Appreciation Giveaway is still underway. Details are in my Oct. 17th post and sign-up is to the right. Deadline is 6 p.m. Nov. 13. Don’t miss out on the chance to win a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble!
*Flickr photo by Hey Paul Studios
Great piece. God is a God of details…and we are told to imitate Him. Great reminders for me in all that I do.
Merrie, so glad you enjoyed. Love how you added the reminder that we are told to imitate God — and details are important to him. Thanks!
So true!!! I’m working on lots of details right now and it’s important not to let anything get missed!!
When lots of details are on our plates, that’s when it’s time to live by our lists, huh? Good luck with everything, Emily! :)
God’s “attention to detail
astounds any of us who take the time to notice the intricate details and
workings of the natural world around us.” I love this Cheryl. What a wonderful lesson for all of us who are trying to be creative.
Thanks, Mairead. So glad you enjoyed it and found it helpful!
Recently, I organized and implemented our church’s fall festival. It was a really buzzard on the front side of things. In hindsight, a huge success, but without attention to detail, I know it could have gone the other way. My trip to Gatlinburg was huge refreshment to my spirit! Praying your heart is mending under the watchful, soul-care of our Father.
Elaine, I can just imagine how many details were involved in planning your church’s fall festival. Glad it was a success — and so glad your trip to Gatlinburg really hit the spot for you. Thanks for your continued prayers. The mend is underway, but I think it’s going to hurt for a long time. So thankful the Lord is walking with me through it.