Anyone due for a time of celebration? Has it been awhile since you’ve jumped for joy? Well, I give you permission, my friend. Go ahead and kick up your heels. You don’t have to wait for some major event to happen. Celebrate what you’re happy about right now!
Our daughter Kelli and her husband Jake did that very thing this past week. They celebrated the completion of a huge mid-term paper Jake had been working on for quite some time. In spite of a snow storm, they went out to eat to celebrate and finally spend a little time together. Yes, they were due for some kicking-up-their-heels time, and they took the time to do it.
Celebrating does our hearts good, doesn’t it? Let’s not wait until we have a birthday, an anniversary, a new job, or a graduation to do it. Let’s approach life with an attitude of celebration and jump for joy over some of the smaller things that happen around us each day as well.
Just think of all the possibilities. Like Kelli and Jake, we can celebrate the completion of a project or the attaining of a goal. We can kick up our heels over making it through another work week or getting to spend some time with loved ones. We can celebrate a good report from the doctor or a refund on our taxes. (Well, that last one may be wishful thinking… :) )
In our spirits we can celebrate a host of daily blessings from God. The beauty of a sunset, the companionship of a friend, the comfort of His Word, or just the privilege of being His child. All of these things — and many more like them — call for celebration.
So tell me, what have you been celebrating lately? Anything going on in your life that makes you want to jump for joy? If not, take a minute to count your blessings. You’ll be kicking up your heels in no time!
“He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” Job 8:21
*Flickr photo by Ant1_G, Creative Commons License
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