Quiet Time

Some people call it quiet time. Others call it devotions. Whatever you call it, I hope you’re spending time with God each day, reading His Word and drawing near to Him through prayer. I pray the following acrostic piece will encourage you to commune with the Father daily through personal quiet time with Him. It will change your life. He will change your life!

Quench your thirst for God—spend some time in His Word.

Unleash the power of the Holy Spirit and welcome His work in your life.

Invite the Lord to come and fellowship with you each day.

Enter into worship as you come into His presence.

Treasure your moments with the Savior, guarding them diligently.


Taste the goodness, the mercy, the unfailing love of our God.

Imitate all that you learn at His feet.

Meditate on the riches overflowing from His perfect, holy Word.

Enjoy a love relationship with Jesus, our living Savior.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” Psalm 34:8

*What devotional helps do you use? Where are you reading in the Word right now? This year I’m enjoying Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling and am also using Lifeway’s Journey devotional magazine for women. In the Word, I’m reading through Paul’s letters in chronological order and am currently in 2 Corinthians.

*Flickr photo by .:[ Melissa ]:. , Creative Commons License


  1. I have committed to an intense 21 day prayer challenge based on Brooke McGlothlin’s “Warrior Prayers: Praying the Word for Boys.” I have also started “The Love Dare” to strengthen our already strong marriage.

  2. Hi Cheryl,

    I’m not using a devotional right now, just my Bible, and I’m focusing on the New Testament and Psalms this year. But I do love Sarah Young’s book(s). They’re excellent.

    Blessings to you, friend. :-)

  3. Love this post! Great reminder and a wonderful way to put it together.

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