My good friend Teri (and partner in chocolate crime!) surprised me yesterday with a gift she found for me while on a spring break trip with her family. Remember the Harry & David truffles I raved about a few months ago? (Jan. 6 post) Believe it or not, Teri actually came across a Harry & David store in the Seattle area! The result? I’m in chocolate heaven :)
Not only did she get me some of the dark chocolate truffles that I hunted down after Christmas, she also brought me an extra dark chocolate bar — you know, the 75% cocoa kind that’s good for your health! Don’t you just love it when your friends are concerned with your health and get you chocolate? :)
You know what I love almost more (almost!) than getting this unexpected haul of dark chocolate extravagance? The fact that Teri thought of me while she was on her trip and cared enough to cart chocolate back half-way across the country just for me. (By the way, she also brought me a cool moleskine journal from Canada!)
The only thing sweeter than the chocolate surprise is the friendship. Yes, Teri and I share fun things like chocolate and shopping trips to T-town, but we also share our joys and our sorrows — and have for 25 years now. Talk about a gift.
Has someone given you the gift of friendship like Teri has done for me? I hope so. Go ahead and brag on him or her with a comment. Tell me about something special your friend has done for you. Celebrate friendship with me!
“…there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24b
Hi all,
IT was such glorious fun to find
the chocolates & journal on our
trip! But even better , is the
honor of having such a wonderful
friend who shares the ups & downs
of life, & cares for you no
matter what!!!!
I’m so grateful to God for
allowing such a friend (in Cheryl)
in my life. She’s blessed me
wayyyyy more than I have her.!!!
In fact, the whole family, Don,
Kristin, & Kelli , have been such
wonderful friends to my whole
family. Talk about mutiple
Later, Teri
Teri, you are right — we are so lucky to have our whole families sharing in friendship. What a blessing, huh?!
You are my kind of gal! I love chocolate and a good dose of friendship too.
In Him,
Eccl. 4:10 “If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!”
Nancy, thanks for stopping by the blog — welcome! Thanks for sharing the verse. It’s a great one, isn’t it? I clicked on your name & looked at your blog and website. Very nice!
Cheryl. You are going to offer this as a prize to someone, right? Ha Ha, I didn’t think so. It really is a blessing from God to have a great friend for so long. Congratulations on your gift, but don’t forget to share with Teri!
Lisa, it’s too late to offer any of my chocolate as a prize — I’ve already torn into the package of truffles and have been sampling the bar as well :) And Teri got some chocolate for herself so I’m off the hook there, too :)
Teri, I’m so glad that Mom has such a special friend in you! And I’m glad that our families have been friends for so many years and will continue in the future.
I happened upon your blog from your comment on TWV2.
What a great post this is. I agree — chocolate is wonderful, but great friends are so precious. They are God’s gifts to us.
Kelli, thanks for checking out my blog — so glad you enjoyed this post. I have a daughter named Kelli, too, and when I first saw your blogger name, I thought she had changed hers from simply “kelli” to “kelligirl”. I sometimes even call her “my Kelli girl” :)