"I Love Chocolate" Giveaway!

If you’ve visited my blog within the last week or so, you know we’ve had some sad times at our house. I’d say it’s time for something fun to balance things out. How about an “I Love Chocolate” Valentine’s Day Giveaway??

You know me. I love chocolate, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Well, maybe a little ashamed, given the depth of my affection for it :) You can learn more about my chocolate obsessions by reading my pieces in the Life Notes issue going out this week (if you’re not yet receiving it, sign-up is free and to the right).

Everyone who leaves a comment on this post by noon (CST) Feb. 13 will be included in a drawing for a $15 gift card to Godiva. If I don’t know you personally or can’t contact you via your own blog, you must include your email address in your comment to be eligible for the giveaway. For fun, tell me how much you love chocolate, and if you don’t love chocolate, spill the beans on the tasty treat you do love.

Something else I’m not ashamed to admit? I love Jesus. He died so that I — and you — might live. I pray that my affection for Him grows deeper with each passing day. Anyone else?

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:10

*Flickr photo by lovejanine

**Thank you so much for your prayers for our family during our loss of Don’s mother. God blessed us in so many ways. I appreciate each one of you!


  1. I love chocolate! :) :)

  2. I love chocolate a lot! I pretty much need a little bit of chocolate every day!

  3. Chocolate is a major food group in my house!

  4. I am definitely a chocaholic. I have been known to eat a whole “party size” bag of M&Ms all by myself.

  5. I love chocolate but love Jesus much more.

  6. I am shamelessly in love with chocolate. I must have a little bit each day.(Those Dove squares are great for that!)

    I heart Jesus, too.

  7. Hi Cheryl!

    Who doesn’t love chocolate! Pretty much everyone in my office enjoys sweets. We have this bucket on top of a podium that has Hershey Kisses, Reese’s, etc… in it. I was at Target the other day and I bought a bag of mixed chocolates. I brought it to work and added some to the bucket. I mean, I’m just trying to add a little something to theo office, ha!

  8. Chocolate YUMMMMM! You have been in my prayers

  9. Hi Cheryl,

    First of all, I’m so sorry about the sadness in your family. May God comfort you and the entire family!

    I love chocolate, however, I’ve given it up (along with all sweets) for now. Otherwise, I’d be the one waving my hand and shouting “Me! Pick me!”

    Blessings to you and yours.

  10. CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I love chocolate, but I’ll love it even more when baby girl #2 arrives and I can give up this gestational diabetes diet. :)

  12. Count me in… chocolate lover as well!


  13. I love, love, love chocolate. Dark not light. Rich, dark, and lush. It’s my best little sugary friend.

  14. Anything chocoloate all the time… Carolyn

  15. I love all chocolate but am partial to dark chocolate! My favorite “bedtime snack” is a glass of chocolate milk. I figure a girls gotta have her calcium, right??

  16. I like certain things chocolate – dark chocolate, candy bars, that dream delight (or whatever it’s called. No chocolate frosting or ice cream.

  17. You had me at “chocolate”, my friend! :) Count me in.

  18. I like to have chocolate everyday also!

  19. Dark chocolate is The Best! We have a grocery store with bulk bins, and one has randomly sized hunks of dark chocolate. I buy it whenever I shop there, put it in a bowl with an ice pick, and my husband and I stab it off in little pieces. It is even more fun than a handful of chocolate chips!

  20. There is nothing better than very dark chocolate and a cup of black coffee.

  21. My favorite way to eat chocolate is when it is combined with peanut butter! Absolutely irresistible in my opinion. If I get started, I can’t stop!! Reese’s PB Cups, here I come….If I win, will I get some PB Cups???? Blessings, Laura Drumb

  22. I love chocolate, too! There is so much you can do to it and with it. Add some orange. Yum! Add a touch of sea salt. YUM! Melt it and dip fruit in it YUM YUM!! The best thing about chocolate, though, is that it is delicious all by itself.

  23. Pick me! Pick me! Hmmmm….. Chocolate…

  24. I think that without chocolate I would not have survived this year of teaching…

  25. Ashley Collier says

    Cheryl- What a deal- FREE chocolate! I think I am the only one out of my family (well at least between my sister) that likes chocolate. Mom always makes sure that she puts truffles in my stocking and another form of sweets for sis!What a mom!

  26. Ashley Collier says

    Cheryl- What a deal- FREE chocolate! I think I am the only one out of my family (well at least between my sister) that likes chocolate. Mom always makes sure that she puts truffles in my stocking and another form of sweets for sis!What a mom!

  27. I must say I love chocolate, but probably not as much as my wife Kristin!

  28. Thanks for the giveaway! I love chocolate! I eat it just about every day, and the only thing I would have a harder time giving up than chocolate is cheese!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

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