Different Songs

I have a confession to make. I’ve gone bird crazy this year.

That’s right. I’ve spent time looking for them, listening to them, and taking pictures of them. Pretty amazing coming from me since I’ve been afraid of having birds fly near me in the past—which, by the way, might have something to do with watching Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds when I was young. Thanks, Mom and Dad! :)

I’m not sure what started my current fascination. Maybe it’s the birds’ contribution to the beautiful morning symphony I enjoy so much, or maybe I can blame it on the new camera I got for my birthday last year—a top-notch point and shoot with a great zoom lens. Of course, now I’m on the prowl for opportunities to zoom. And birds make the perfect subject.

While trying to capture some good shots, I’ve also tuned my ears to listen more closely to the various birds’ songs. I’ve always loved the sound of birds singing but until now have not paid attention to their particular sounds and melodies. It’s been fun to begin to recognize a few.

Not only does each type of bird have its own signature look, it has a distinctive song as well. Some warble, some coo, some chirrup, some tweet. Some may be more pleasing to the ear than others, but it’s the variety that makes the symphony so amazing. It’s the differences that keep it interesting.

The same is true in our lives, isn’t it? We each have our own singular appearance and unique voice. We each have our own God-given abilities. Some create, some serve, some organize, some teach. Some may garner more attention than others, but it’s the variety that makes our world work. It’s the differences that keep us intrigued.

Yes, the birds have their various songs and so do we. Are we using the abilities—the voices—God has given us? Have we embraced the roles we’re gifted for? Let’s sing our different songs!

“If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?” 1 Corinthians 12:17

*How has God gifted you?

*The photo is mine! Haven’t captured one yet of a bird singing, but I thought this shot of a female cardinal certainly qualifies as different! :)

*Note: I changed the title of my blog to more accurately reflect my tagline and brand. If you have my link listed on your blogroll, would you please change it to read simply “Cheryl Barker”? Thanks!


  1. Great photo, Cheryl! If you hadn’t identified the bird, I’d never have guessed a cardinal.

    I think just birds alone are proof of God as the creator. The variety of appearances, habits, and songs just boggle one’s mind!

    Loved your descriptions of the sounds they make. 8-)

    I changed your title on my blogroll to your name.

  2. Great shot1 I never seem to be fast enough to get good animal shots. : )

    I changed your title on my blog roll.

  3. Thanks, Jana & Kay! Glad you like the photo and thanks for changing the link on your blogs. Much appreciated!

  4. Boy, would you be in your glory bird-watching from my deck. SO many different birds in our woods.

    BTW–updated your blog name on my blogroll. :)

  5. Such a great photo and an awesome post. Always so uplifting coming to your blog!

  6. Kirsten, would love to come hang out on your deck — and not just for the birds! Would love to meet you in person and taste some of your yummy baking! :) Thanks for updating my link, too!

    Alicia, thanks so much — what a blessing to hear that my blog uplifts you!

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