Hey everyone, the time has come to change things up a bit here on my blog. I’ve been blogging twice weekly since September 2007, and in June 2013 I started posting twice weekly to my Mother of the Bride Blog as well. Since that’s a lot of blog posts to keep up with and since I’ve reached a point where I need to devote more time to other projects (and people—like my grandchildren! :) ), I’ve decided a change is needed.
So from now on, I’ll post weekly—generally on Tuesdays—on both of my blogs. I won’t officially have Midweek Morsel posts anymore, but some of my weekly posts may resemble the Midweek Morsel posts of the past. I like the variety that shorter posts offer in the midst of some longer ones. And sometimes a short post is exactly what you—or I—need at a given time.
One thing that I hope doesn’t change is that you’ll always find refreshment, nourishment, and inspiration here. When you leave here, I want you to feel encouraged in some way. If we keep our eyes on the Lord together, that’s sure to happen, right?
So be encouraged today my friends with this Inspiration acrostic. May God use it to bless you indeed!
In God we find our strength and hope.
Nothing is too difficult for my God to handle.
Silence can soothe and energize so step back and soak it in.
Prayer and peace go hand in hand so give your worries to God.
Indeed my God loves me and stands ready to help me.
Refresh your spirit in the boundless beauty of God’s creation.
Alter your attitude to turn your day around.
Thankful hearts provide the perfect soil for joy to grow.
Invest in people and make a difference today, tomorrow, and forever.
One small act of kindness can be the first ripple of a day—or a life—redeemed.
Never underestimate the power of a smile.
“Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man’s behalf.” Psalm 66:5
*Where do you find inspiration?
*My photo
I find inspiration during my Quiet Time with God each morning.
Also, find inspiration in the beauty of the out doors. Did you take the photo above in Colorado?
Debbie, those are two great ways to find inspiration. I find it in both of those places as well. And yes, that’s one of the photos I took while we were in Colorado! As I remember, it was on our Cucumber Gulch hike.