Waiting for the Right Time


(Don’t miss some exciting personal news at the end of this post!)

“The day for building your walls will come, the day for extending your boundaries.” Micah 7:11

Are you waiting to move forward or grow in some way? Does it seem like it’s never going to happen?

Some of us may be waiting until our children are older so we can go back to school and pursue a new career while others may be waiting until a time of caregiving is passed so we can move forward with our plans and dreams. Still others maybe waiting until present financial obligations are met before branching out with a new venture or interest. Personally, I’m waiting on God’s will and perfect timing regarding publication of my book so I can move forward with that project. All kinds of scenarios find us waiting for the right time for our dreams to unfold.

The Old Testament prophet Micah’s words to the nation of Israel in the scripture above offer us encouragement and hope today as well. He assured them that a time of building their walls and extending their boundaries would indeed come. And the same can be true for us. Just because a goal or dream is not coming to pass on the timetable we hoped for doesn’t mean it’s a lost cause. Instead of giving up, it may be that we just need to trust God and wait for the right time to move forward.

So what can we do as we wait for God’s perfect timing? The specifics can be different for each situation, but certain general actions can help us in almost any waiting situation. Here are a few that can help:

1. We can pray regularly for our hearts’ desires, asking God to bring them about at just the right time, in just the right way.

2. We can recruit others to join us in prayer about the matter. The prayer support of others is always a comfort and a help.

3. We can take some steps to be ready to move forward when the time is right. Maybe we can do some research, take a class, hone our skills, network, save some money, tie up some loose ends, or give attention to any number of things that could help put us in the best position possible when the right time comes.

4. We can faithfully carry out our present responsibilities and learn the life lessons God has for us in our current season. We can be at peace, knowing we are doing what we’re supposed to be doing in this stage of our lives.

5. We can look forward in faith to the day when extending our boundaries will come but can also be open and alert to any change of plans that God may lead us to.

Whatever strategies we employ, let’s be encouraged by the scripture above. Let’s not lose heart, but instead, let’s trust God. He will grow us and extend our boundaries at just the right time, in just the right way!

“But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands;” Psalm 31:14-15a

*When have you had to wait to extend your boundaries? Are you currently in a waiting season?

*Important personal news: God has heard our cries for mercy—our daughter Kristin and son-in-law Shawn are now the parents of beautiful twin boys! And yes, that means I am now a grandma! Woohoo!! The entire family is so incredibly grateful for this double blessing from God after such a long wait. Little Isaiah and James are truly gifts from Him. Thanks to each of you who have prayed for this day with us! More to come in a future post and also find more info on my Facebook page!

*Flickr photo by Andrew Bartram (WarboysSnapper), Creative Commons License


  1. #4 is where I’m at right now – trying to be faithful where I’m at and looking forward to a new chapter. I just don’t have a clue what it is!

    So happy for the good news, Grandma. Enjoy this sweet time of celebration.

    • Elaine, so many times we find ourselves in the middle of #4 — being faithful where we are. Will be exciting to see what new chapter the Lord opens for you next. And thanks so much for sharing in our happiness about becoming grandparents. Can’t wait to see them in person. Hopefully this weekend!

  2. Congrats on becoming a grandma – for two precious little boys, that is wonderful, thanks for sharing such exciting news!

    Writers know about waiting, that’s for sure! It is such a huge part of our journey of perseverance!

    • Kathy, thank you! We are beyond thrilled to have two precious little grandsons in our lives now. So looking forward to seeing them in person this weekend and showering them with love :) And you’re right — waiting and perseverance are huge parts of every writer’s life!

  3. Waiting is so hard sometimes. But I’ve discovered there’s so much to learn in the wait–if I’ll only pay attention!

  4. Yes indeed, Vonda — we can learn so much during periods of waiting. What opportunities to trust God completely and submit to His will for our lives!

  5. the blessing that always speaks to me the most is

    You go nowhere by accident. Wherever you go, God is sending you. Wherever you are, God has put you there. He has a purpose in your being there. Christ who dwells within you has something He wants to do through you where you are. Believe this and go in His grace and love and power.

    i’m trying to remember this as i WAIT for our big move in july!

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