A Ready Helper

Ever have those moments when you need to call someone and say, “If you have a few minutes, could you do me a favor — and I mean right now?” I had one the other day. I don’t know who you turn to in times like those, but I call on family (or only the closest of friends).

I needed someone to critique a piece before I submit it, and with the deadline almost upon me, I didn’t feel comfortable asking a writer friend to “hop to”, so to speak, in my time frame. So I called my daughter Kristin. (No, she’s not a writer, but she is an avid reader and able to spot some areas that might need to be reworked.) Anyway, she agreed, and I shot the piece off to her in an email.

I only expected a quick read-through and a few remarks, but she took the time to give it her thorough attention, marking the phrases she especially liked and pointing out things that might need to be changed. What a blessing to get so much more than I imagined from my sweet daughter and ready helper. And might I add that she’s a ready helper any time she’s free and it’s within her power to do so. (Are you picking up on the fact that I’m proud of her? I mean, just look at her. Is she a sweetheart or what?!) :)

We all need people like that, people we can call on spur of the moment, asking them to drop whatever they’re doing and come to our aid. I admit that sounds like a definition for a mother :), but devoted friends and other family members — and eventually our own kids — fit that description as well. Treasures, one and all, aren’t they?

But the One we can call on before we even call on them is the Lord. If we direct our first cry for help or wisdom or guidance to Him, He will hear and give us His thorough attention. He may show us we need to call one of our ready helpers here on earth, or He might meet our need in a completely different way. On the other hand, He might give us His peace that passes understanding as He whispers to our hearts to trust Him and wait on Him.

Do you have a need today? Turn first to the Ready Helper who is always available. And remember, everything we need is within His power. Indeed, He’s a treasure like no other.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

*If you’re not yet a subscriber to Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, I’d love to email it to you. Sign-up is to the right — it’s free!

*My photo


  1. Kristin is a sweet and ready helper! I’m so thankful that the Lord blessed my life with her as my daily helper and best friend!

  2. My mom is my “Kristin”; I can’t tell you how many times I call her on the quick, asking her just about anything! I feel so privileged to still have her as a great influence in my life. Perhaps my youngest child, Miss Amelia, will take her place one day, but until then, I savor the rich relationship I share with my mother. She lives about an hour away; I’m heading over there Wednesday to spend the day and night with her and dad.

    Just like when I was younger.

    Just thinking about it fills my heart with joy this night.

    You’re a good daughter, Kristin. And your mother is very proud of you, as she should be!


  3. I had to smile when I read Elaine’s comment. I feel the same about my mom.

    But, I love that Kristin stepped in to help…what would we do without our ready helpers and THE ready helper?


  4. i’m glad ur daughter helped u, its so hard to find good ppl these days

    :) also, i have changed my website, i’m now at http://www.mirauncut.com


  5. My son, Drew, read each of my books before anyone else. He is honest and objective and I love it. It’s good to know God has gifted you the same way with your daughter.


  6. What a great daughter! She must have a pretty special mom. I hope your submission is accepted!!

    My husband is my reader/critiquer/editor. I am so thankful for his input.

    How true that Jesus is our ever-present helper. How amazing is that?!

  7. you know what’s funny? there’s a sort of crisis going on at our church. a battle of wills between key individuals, and it’s affecting the whole congregation.

    and me.

    so, i talked to the leadership about it. i talked to the church wardens, the clergy, the lay-vice chair. i talked to members in the congregation, etc. but i realized i WASN’T talking to God about it. isn’t that ridiculous? i needed input and direction, and it took me months before i understood just how much i was leaving God out of it.

    i hope this experience has taught me to go to Him first- before i get myself in a total tizzy.

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