Wedding weekends provide the perfect opportunity for family reunions, and my family takes advantage of each one. Since it had been two years since the Hoy clan (my parents, sisters, me, and all of our families) had gathered, Kelli and Jake’s wedding weekend immediately became the next reunion destination.
Before the wedding activities took over full force, we spent an evening just hanging out together. With our son-in-law Shawn’s help, we managed to get this timed family photo in our hotel dining room. The staff probably wondered what they were in for when we began rearranging furniture and making the place our own. We redeemed ourselves, though. We put everything back just as it was — or pretty close :)
As I continue my Time for Photo Fun celebration here on the blog, I thought I’d share a few pics shot during our wedding weekend turned family reunion. Hope you enjoy!
As the gang arrives…
…smiles and hugs are freely shared. So good to be together again (brother-in-law Keith, nephew Adam, and my husband Don)…
Can’t tell you how sweet it was for us, the Midwest portion of our family, to sit and breakfast with our loved ones from Arizona and Florida. Time together — precious and treasured indeed…
…especially when some of us were meeting for the very first time! (Mom and I getting to know Benjamin — Mom’s great-grandson and my great-nephew.)
Of course, the family reunion quickly took on a wedding theme, as everyone jumped in to help with the preparations on Friday. Here — appearing for the first time anywhere — are the Tulle Girls :) (My sister Carolyn, my nephew Adam’s wife Lyndsey, daughter Kristin, and also sister Janice)…
And finally the Hoy women in all our glory the night of the wedding. We never tire of taking a picture like this (looking forward to the better quality of the photographer’s shot), so let the “wedding” of Wedding Weekend take a back seat for a moment — it’s time for Family Reunion!
**Don’s mom had to go back into the hospital this past week. They are treating her for a blood clot again but have caught it early this time. Please pray that the medicines will be effective and that she will get to go home soon. Thank you!
Okay, so how did the other “tulle girls” know it was a hand on the hip? I didn’t hear that direction.
Sure was fun!
Thanks Cheryl for a walk down memory lane. Love your captions.
Janice, I think your pose is great!!
Thanks for the pictures. Your narrative always makes me smile. I will be praying for Don’s mom, bless her heart.