Fun Nail Polish Gift from the Bride to Her Maids

Mother of the Bride, at some point in the days or weeks preceding the wedding, here’s a fun gift idea for the bride to give her bridesmaids—nail polish! And not just any nail polish, but nail polish in the color of their dresses or bouquets. Fun and pretty, too, huh?

Not only will your daughter’s maids appreciate this special treat, but it will help their overall wedding day look come together as well. Variety can look fun and festive on the big day, but uniformity has a special beauty too.

And just think of the great photos that might result if their nails are all done in the same color. The photographer could actually take a few shots with their hands in mind. Pretty shots with their bouquets, pops of the same color as they help the bride get into her gown, and even a shot specifically showing off their hands. And if they use the polish on their toes as well, you’ve got more cute photo possibilities ahead!

You or the bride might even want to take the gift of nail polish a step further and surprise the bridesmaids with a professional manicure and have them take their polish to the salon (would probably be a good idea to have purchased the polish there.) This extra treat is entirely optional, of course, but it could be a fun outing for all the girls—bride included—a couple of days before the wedding.

Worth suggesting to the bride, MOB? I think so! And why not get your nails done at the same time? Go ahead—have some fun and treat yourself!

*You might also like to read Bridesmaids’ Manicure: Polka Dots and More.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride check out my Books/My Work page.

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, will come out in early August. Sign-up is FREE. *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*Flickr photo by Upupa4meCreative Commons License

Flower Crown Bridal Headpiece

Mother of the Bride, has your daughter has settled on her dress for her big day? If so, now is the time to start considering veils and/or headpieces. What will look best with her dress? Her hair? What fits her personality?

The flower crown is one option that is done less often than others, but it could be just right for your sweet girl. If she tends to be playful, likes whimsy, or has earthy leanings and also wants part of her attire to look a little more casual, a crown of roses, daisies, baby’s breath, or any number of other flower combinations might be the answer to her headpiece decision.

The bride-to-be can choose fresh, dried, or even fabric flowers and shop for her dream flower crown in stores or online. Or she could of course ask the florist, a family member, or a friend to fashion one for her.

More of than not, veils aren’t used with flower crown headpieces, but that’s not always the case. Brides can do whatever they want. However, flower crown headpieces don’t need a veil. So if your daughter prefers not to wear a veil, this particular headpiece option might be perfect for her.

Why not toss out the flower crown headpiece idea, MOB, and see if it strikes your daughter’s bridal-hair fancy. If it does, you’re one step closer to completing her big day look!

*You might also like to read In Lieu of a Veil: Floral Bridal Combs or Hairpins and Bride’s Hair Accessory: Baby’s Breath.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and also my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, will come out in early May. One lucky subscriber (new or current) will receive a $15 gift card to Barnes & Noble and a signed copy of my book to use personally, give as a gift, or donate to a library.  *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*Flickr photos by~ Hatty PhotoCreative Commons License

Bridesmaids Gifts: Buy from Ten Thousand Villages!

Mother of the Bride, is your daughter looking for a dynamite gift idea for her bridesmaids? Why not suggest gifts from Ten Thousand Villages? In case you’re not familiar with them, Ten Thousand Villages is a fair trade retailer who has been empowering and supporting fairly paid artisans in developing countries for more than seventy years.

Purchasing  bridesmaids gifts from Ten Thousand Villages will allow your sweet girl to be a double blessing—blessing her lovely bridesmaids with terrific gifts plus supporting hard-working, fairly paid artisans around the world.  Can’t beat that, huh?

Among the items that Ten Thousand Villages carry are jewelry, scarves, hats, purses, and other bags—all excellent ideas for bridesmaids gifts. If there is not a store in your daughter’s area, assure her that she can shop for these gifts online. On their website , the pictures of the individual items are large, and she will have no trouble selecting some beautiful gifts directly from the site.

And MOB, as you browse the site, I bet you will find something you’d like to have, too. Go ahead—be a double blessing!

*You might also like to read Polka Dot Nails for the Bridesmaids! and A Prayer for the Bridesmaids’ Luncheon.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, will come out in early May. Sign-up is FREE! *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*Flickr photo by Thien VCreative Commons License

The Birdcage Bridal Veil

Mother of the Bride, if your daughter still needs to select a veil, be sure she considers the birdcage veil among her choices. The bridal veil is one of the bride’s most important accessories in completing her look on the big day, and it’s always a good idea to consider all the possibilities.

Birdcage veils looks very classic and elegant, and believe it or not, they include lots of variety. They can complement many different styles of gowns and hairstyles as well. Have your bride-to-be take a look at these current styles featured in Brides online and Birdcage Veils on Pinterest to get an idea of the choices that are out there.

Initially, MOB, your daughter may not see herself in a birdcage-style veil, but as with the gowns themselves, she’ll never know how beautiful they can be until she tries some with her dress. Even if she doesn’t think she wants one, encourage her to try at least one. She might be surprised. She might just fall in love with the style!

*You might also like to read In Lieu of a Veil: Floral Bridal Combs or Hairpins, Bridal Veils: The Corded Veil, and A Blogging Change Plus a Bridal Veil to Consider.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and also my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*The current issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, came out earlier this month. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is FREE! *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*Flickr photo by melissajean_98Creative Commons License

Turn Wedding Day Rain Into a Positive

Mother of the Bride, since spring weddings will soon be upon us, the chance of rain on wedding day becomes a real possibility. If the unthinkable happens on your sweet girl’s big day, MOB, what can you do to somehow turn it into a good memory?

One way to turn wedding day rain into a positive is to capitalize on some fun photo opportunities. As with snow during winter weddings, ask your photographer to get creative and snap some great photos featuring the rain in some way. If rain is in the forecast, you might want to contact him or her earlier in the week and share any ideas you may have. But I’m sure an experienced photographer will already have several ideas up his photo-snapping sleeve.

One idea – why not buy umbrellas in one of the colors of the wedding (like in the photos above and below) and then feature the bridal couple cozied up under one while the attendants pair up under others. Keep the tags on the umbrellas until the day of the wedding just in case the rain doesn’t materialize. If it doesn’t rain, simply return the umbrellas and get your money back. If it does rain, you’ll be prepared. And a good MOB is always prepared, right?

Next time you talk to your daughter, MOB, go ahead and brainstorm other ideas for some great rainy wedding day photos. Maybe one of the bridal couple laughing as they seek shelter under an awning or in a doorway? Or the bridal bouquet covered in raindrops?

Whatever you come up with, share your ideas with your photographer—and turn the rain into some fun wedding day memories!6244880589_cea42a37ff_z*You might also like to read Wedding Day Tip: A List for the Photographer.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, will come out in early May. Sign-up is FREE! *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*Flickr photos by Corey AnnCreative Commons License