Wedding Day Photo: Groom Admires His Bride

Mother of the Bride, here’s a wedding day photo idea that shines with love—the groom admiring his bride from afar. This is a perfect example of when one simple photo speaks volumes. When one second in time holds the promise of an entire future.

Want to immortalize all that love your daughter’s beloved has for her? Show your daughter this photo and suggest a similar one for her dream-come-true day. I think she’ll give an enthusiastic thumbs up to add it to the list of photos you’ll ask the photographer to take.

And MOB, don’t forget to keep some tissues handy on the big day. You’ll need them as you watch photos like this being captured!

*You might also like to read Wedding Photo Idea: A Veiled Kiss, Wedding Photo Idea: Hideaway Moment, Wedding Photo Idea: A Shared Faith, and Wedding Photo Idea: The Corner Shot.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride check out my Books/My Work page.

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out in early November. One lucky subscriber will receive a $15 gift card to Starbucks and a signed copy of my book to use personally, give as a gift, or donate to a library. Sign-up is free and to the right! (If you’re on a mobile device, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click View Full Site to find it.) *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*Flickr photo by Katsu Nojiri, Creative Commons License

Wedding Day Photo: Bouquets in a Bunch

Mother of the Bride, I have a wedding day photo idea for you today that’s a real winner. This shot will be super simple for your photographer to set up but provides a colorful and gorgeous reminder of the day. Easy plus amazing. You can’t beat that!

I call this dynamite photo idea bouquets in a bunch. Simply have the bride hold her star-of-the-day bridal bouquet waist-high and then ask the bridesmaids to hold their bouquets all around hers. The effect is stunning as the bridesmaids’ bouquets encircle the bridal bouquet, showing off in glorious fashion not only the colors of the wedding, but the bride’s choice in flowers as well.

Why not suggest this perfect wedding day photo to your daughter, MOB? Then jot it down on the list of photos you’d like the photographer to take on her big day. You’ll be glad you did!

*You might also like to read Cute Idea for the Bride: Shoes to Match the Bouquet.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride check out my Books/My Work page.

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, will come out in early August. Sign-up is FREE and to the right! (If you’re on a mobile device, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click View Full Site to find it.) *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*Flickr photo by theinvinciblemom, Creative Commons License

Wedding Photo: Bridesmaids Blow the Groom a Kiss

Mother of the Bride, add this “blowing a kiss to the groom” wedding shot to your list for the photographer pronto! It will be one of the cutest photos of the day. Photographic magic is bound to happen when your daughter’s bridesmaids are asked to show the groom a little love.

As soon as the bridesmaids are asked to blow the groom a kiss, he will start smiling and blushing—or turn into a Romeo on the spot and eat up the attention like a glowing Adonis. Either way, the results will be wedding-photo gold.

So, MOB, share this idea with your daughter and/or the photographer. He can set it up like the shot above of our son-in-law Jake, or he can get creative and change it up any number of ways. As long as there’s kissing involved, it will be fun, right?

*You might also like to read Wedding Day Tip: A List for the Photographer.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and also my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*The current issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, came out earlier this month. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is FREE and to the right! (If you’re on a mobile device, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click View Full Site to find it.)

*Photo by Flowers Photography

Wedding Rings Photo Idea: Say It With Flowers

*To free some of my time for other things, I’ll now be posting only on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Be sure to use the Search feature and the drop-down menu in the archives to help you find topics you’re interested in. Hope my posts help you!

Mother of the Bride, are you gathering wedding photo ideas to share with your daughter? If so, be sure to share this idea of how to show off the wedding rings. It’s pure perfection.

Wedding rings nestled in the bridal flowers is not a new idea, but it is one of my favorites. The solid color and softness of delicate flowers provide the perfect backdrop for the sparkling beauty of wedding rings. Such a romantic way to feature the rings!

Saying it with flowers will not only make a wedding-ring shot pop with beauty, but it will pop with meaning as well as two important elements of the wedding are combined. This photo will be one to treasure since it features the rings symbolizing the joining together of two souls and the flowers which capture the joy and celebration of the big day itself.

I bet your sweet girl will love this idea, MOB. Have fun sharing it!

*You might also like to read Wedding Day First Dance Photo: Show Off Her Rings! and Wedding Day Photo Idea: Rings on a Starfish!

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and also my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*The new issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, came out last week. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is free and to the right! (If you’re on a mobile device, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click View Full Site to find it.)

*Flickr photo by Selbe, Creative Commons License

Wedding Photo Idea: Program Amid the Bouquets


Mother of the Bride, I love to share wedding photo ideas with you from time to time so you can share them with your daughter. If she loves a particular photo idea, she might want to pass it along to her photographer—or ask you to keep a list of ideas or start a Pinterest board to save them on. Better for your daughter to share her desires with the photographer than hope he or she is a mind-reader and magically captures  the shots she’d really like to have, right?

Today’s idea frames the wedding program in flowers. Don’t you love the beautiful shot above? All that’s needed are the bridal bouquets and the program, and voila—an elegant photo of the wedding program amid a sea of gorgeous flowers.

Why not pass this idea along to your little girl turned bride, MOB? She may think it’s the perfect way to save a memory of the program. And I would have to agree!

*You might also like to read Idea for Displaying Programs: A Basket and A Keepsake Photo of the Wedding Invitation. You might like to take a look at my Wedding Photography Pinterest board as well.

*The new issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, came out last week. It’s not too late to receive it. I feature a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue so don’t miss out. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by Corey Ann, Creative Commons License