Wedding Photo: Bridesmaids Blow the Groom a Kiss

Mother of the Bride, add this “blowing a kiss to the groom” wedding shot to your list for the photographer pronto! It will be one of the cutest photos of the day. Photographic magic is bound to happen when your daughter’s bridesmaids are asked to show the groom a little love.

As soon as the bridesmaids are asked to blow the groom a kiss, he will start smiling and blushing—or turn into a Romeo on the spot and eat up the attention like a glowing Adonis. Either way, the results will be wedding-photo gold.

So, MOB, share this idea with your daughter and/or the photographer. He can set it up like the shot above of our son-in-law Jake, or he can get creative and change it up any number of ways. As long as there’s kissing involved, it will be fun, right?

*You might also like to read Wedding Day Tip: A List for the Photographer.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and also my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*The current issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, came out earlier this month. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is FREE and to the right! (If you’re on a mobile device, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click View Full Site to find it.)

*Photo by Flowers Photography

Wedding Photo Idea: A Veiled Kiss


Mother of the Bride, I hope you and your darling daughter are collecting some great wedding day photo ideas. Your photographer will be sure to have some amazing ideas of his or her own, but it’s always a good idea to take note of shots you love. Why not guard against any disappointment by giving your photographer a list of shots you’d like included.

Bride and groom kissing shots are always winners, but I think the veiled kiss photo idea above is especially sweet. The dreamy quality created by draping the bride and groom with her veil truly whispers romance, doesn’t it? It captures a private moment of the new Mr. and Mrs. all alone in their own little world of love.

MOB, why not share this veiled kiss photo idea with your daughter and see if it captures her heart? If she’s a bride who doesn’t want to wear a veil, the desire for a shot like this just might change her mind!

*You might also like to read Wedding Photo Idea: Hideaway Moment, Engagement Photo Idea: The Eskimo Kiss!, and Photo Idea: Bridesmaids Blow the Groom a Kiss!

*Flickr photo by dan.thoburn, Creative Commons License

Engagement Photo Idea: The Eskimo Kiss!


Mother of the Bride, are you collecting engagement photo ideas for the soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. in your life? If not, start your list today. There are some awesome ideas out there right now. I have a few here on my site (will list a few below) and I also have an Engagement Photos Pinterest board you might want to check out.

Today I have a super cute idea for you—an Eskimo kiss shot! Such a nose-to-nose shot could either look very romantic with the eyes closed (as pictured above) or playful and fun with eyes open and the couple laughing or scrunching noses. The photographer could take both kinds of shots. They’ll probably both be keepers, huh?

So save this idea, MOB. Your daughter and her intended will have a ball playing Eskimos—and you’ll all end up with another great engagement photo!

*You might also like to read Engagement Photo Idea: Show Off the Ring, Engagement Photos: Consider a Night Shoot, Engagement Photo Idea: Playground Fun, Engagement Photo Idea: Frame That Moment!, and Engagement Photo Idea: Bike Fun!

*Flickr photo by Tela Chhe, Creative Commons License