Archives for July 2014

Midweek Morsel: To Those Paying for Our Freedom


Sometimes we take our freedom for granted here in America. Most of us have been born into the every-day freedom we enjoy, and we forget that freedom for many around the world is a luxury.

We need to always remember that our freedom has come and continues to come at a cost. Our right to freedom here in the US is, in fact, a great privilege purchased for us by all of those who have fought to defend and maintain our nation as a free nation.  Freedom is not to be taken for granted.

So to all of those past and present who have served and sacrificed so that we all might live in the land of the free—thank you! We honor each one, from our nation’s dawning days right up until today.

We are indebted not only to those who have served or are serving but also to their families who are indeed their co-servants, the ones supporting them and loving them and willing them to come home. The ones weeping when they don’t. We honor you. We don’t take you for granted. You have our gratitude and greatest respect. May God’s richest blessings be yours!

“We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers.” 1 Thessalonians 1:2

*What are some ways we can honor those who serve?

*Flickr photo by familymwr, Creative Commons License

Wedding Photography Tip: Candid Shots of the Guests

Rob & Kaden

Wedding photography is not complete, Mother of the Bride, without some great candid shots of the guests. All brides, grooms, and their families want to remember who joined in their celebration on Wedding Day so asking the photographer to capture photos of the guests as they naturally interact with one another is the perfect way to do it.

The photo above is a super sweet shot of Rob and Kaden, our neice’s husband and son, and the one below shows a loving moment between our nephew Aaron and his wife Monica. It’s one of my favorite candid shots from my daughter Kristin’s wedding. As Monica places her hand on the back of Aaron’s neck, he reaches out to touch her as well, wrapping his hand around the back of her leg. I love how the photographer spotted this moment of mutual love expressed and immortalized it for us.

So, MOB, in addition to all the standard photos the photographer will be taking, make a point of asking him or her to capture lots of candid shots of your guests as well. Hugs, laughter, surprise, and special moments of all kinds will abound that day. Try to make them a permanent part of your daughter’s Wedding Day story.

*You can see other examples of such moments in Wedding Day: Sweet Family Moments in Store. You might also like to read Wedding Day Tip: A List For the Photographer .

Aaron & Monica still in love*Photos by Chris Humphrey Photography