Archives for July 2014

Polka Dot Nails for the Bridesmaids!


Mother of the Bride, here’s a fun idea for your daughter’s bridesmaids—polka dot nails! It might not be something the bride herself wants to do if she wants to go classic and not have her nails draw attention away from her dress or her bouquet, but this could be super fun and cute for the rest of the girls to do if it’s done tastefully.

Other design elements to the manicure could be added as well—just the tips in polka dots, a glitter line of some sort, different designs on different fingers, etc. I’ll include a few photos below to give you some ideas.

Another thought—polka dot manicures for all the girls could be a special gift from you, the MOB, to all the bridesmaids as the bride gets her nails done, too. You could do this in lieu of a bridesmaids luncheon if you’d like. What a fun outing for the bride and her best girls as they get ready to celebrate the big day. Go for it, MOB—they will love you for it!




4793923713_5575f4e686_z*Photo credit in order of appearance:

1. Flickr photo by i love nail polish. . .   2. Fickr photo by kittynailpolish  3. Flickr photo by Eye Candy Joanne Duckmanton  4. Fickr photo by kittynailpolish  5. Flickr photo by .Krol.  All with Creative Commons License.

 *The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out the first of August. Sign up is free and to the right!

White or Cream Bridal Bouquet: Add a Touch of Color


Mother of the Bride, does your daughter know what kind of bridal bouquet she’d like yet? She might be a little overwhelmed with all of the possibilities out there. Should she go with vibrant color or a shade of white or cream to blend with her dress? Roses or a mix of blooms? A hand-held stem bouquet or a cascade design?

If she loves the white or cream-colored rose option (always beautiful!), suggest this tip our florist gave us for my daughter Kelli’s bouquet: add just a hint of another soft color. For example, like in the photo above, incorporate just a few roses that have a pale pink edge but with a center color that blends with the color of the primary roses.

Isn’t it amazing how the lightest touch of color can make a bouquet even more distinctive and beautiful? And just think how gorgeous the photos will be. Give your girl this suggestion, MOB—you’ll both be glad you did!

*You might also like to read Bridal Bouquet Idea: Add Some Sparkle with Jewelry.

*Photo by Flowers Photography

*Take Note: I’ve changed my comment system to make it easier for some of you who have had trouble with or don’t care for the Disqus comment system. Give it a try now. Hope this helps!

 *The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out the first of August. Sign up is free and to the right!

Summer Photo Fun: Name This Location!

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We kicked off Summer Photo Fun 2014 earlier this week with a “Caption This” post so how about continuing with a “Name This Location” challenge? Let’s just say it will test either your world-traveler status or your observation skills, huh?

Now before you complain that I’m asking you to identify a rock outcropping, take a closer look. This is a very distinctive rock formation, isn’t it? Have you seen it before? Or maybe a photo of it?

So tell me, where were you when you saw this unique handiwork of our amazing Creator God? Name this location! The first person to guess correctly will win all bragging rights. Woohoo, huh? :)

“‘He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, he who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth—the LORD God Almighty is his name.’” Amos 4:13

*My photo

*Take Note: I’ve changed my comment system to make it easier for some of you who have had trouble with or don’t care for the Disqus comment system. Give it a try now. Hope this helps!

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out the first of August. Sign up is free and to the right!

Summer Photo Fun 2014 Kick-Off: Caption This!


It’s that time of year again—time for Summer Photo Fun on my blog!

For those of you who may be new here, every year in July and the first part of August I take a break from my regular-style blog posts and showcase some photos instead. This part of summer is topsy-turvy for me since my husband is on his break from teaching so I try to take a more casual approach to blogging for a few weeks.

Some of the photos will be mine and some won’t. Sometimes I may just use one photo, and other times I may use a few. Some may be fun while others may be more beautiful or thought-provoking.

But one thing will remain the same. I’ll always try to refresh or nourish you with a verse of scripture or an inspiring quote. I’ll always try to make your visit here a blessing, whether through the photos or the scriptures shared.

Let’s start this season of Summer Photo Fun with—you guessed it—some fun! How would you caption the photo above? What must be going through this silly kitty cat’s mind?

Hope you enjoy Summer Photo Fun 2014!

“Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14

*My photo

 *The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out the first of August. Sign up is free and to the right!

“Something Old” Ideas for the Bride


The something old tradition lives on, Mother of the Bride. Since tradition is such a big part of weddings—even those that have some non-traditional elements— it’s not surprising that most brides still want to incorporate the something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue tradition into their bridal attire. Today let’s focus on the something old aspect.

The something old element of bridal attire provides not only a cool vintage factor, but it packs an emotional punch as well. Most something old items belong (or belonged) to the bride’s mother, grandmother, or some other beloved family member. The item is special because of the person and/or previous wedding it represents. Something old items are usually treasured belongings.

Here are some ideas for something old that you can share with your daughter. Some are very standard and traditional while others may be new to you:

*A bridal gown that has been handed down from you, the mother of the bride, or even from the bride’s grandmother. Since everything vintage is very much in style now, your daughter might just like this idea!

*A bridal veil worn by a family member or family friend from a previous generation.

*A necklace or bracelet that has been in the family for years. Rings aren’t the best option since the bride won’t want another ring competing with her wedding ring in any way.

*Hair combs from a bygone era are a good option, too. Depending upon the bride’s hairstyle, these can be used without a veil since the veil is worn only during the ceremony.

*A slip or petticoat that you, the MOB, or another family member wore years ago on her wedding day. My daughter Kristin wore the slip I wore on my wedding day even though she needed a fuller petticoat over it. She wanted to wear something I had worn, and I loved that she wanted to do that.

*A vintage brooch (again from a family member or friend) used as bouquet jewelry. A brooch can be added in the flowers themselves or attached to the stems.

*A handkerchief or small bride’s Bible that can be attached somehow to the bouquet and carried by the bride. If the bride has an item like this, she’ll have to keep it in mind when choosing the style of her bouquet.

Run these ideas past your daughter, MOB, and see if any of them appeal to her. Whatever she chooses will be special. It will forever hold a special place in her heart and will fulfill tradition at the same time. Another win-win on the wedding front!

*Can you think of other ideas for something old?

*Flickr photo by Sherry’s Rose Cottage, Creative Commons License

 *The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out the first of August. Sign up is free and to the right!