Wedding Registry to Consider: Blueprint Registry

Mother of the Bride, have you or your daughter heard of Blueprint Registry yet? I just recently happened upon it so it may be new to you as well. And if so, this may be something your daughter and her beloved may be interested in.

Blueprint Registry is an online registry that allows a couple to add gifts from any retailer as well as import existing registries and also create a honeymoon fund/cash registry. It has a unique blueprint approach where couples shop/register by room and guests can then see how and where their gift might be used in the couple’s home.

I haven’t talked with anyone yet who has personally used it, but it’s getting rave reviews from industry leaders. And those endorsements are easily seen on the home page.

MOB, I encourage you to hop over to Blueprint Registry’s website and take a look. I’ll list some of the links to specific info so you can find what you need as easily as possible. Be sure to share this post with your daughter. Blueprint Registry could be just what she and her hubby-to-be are looking for!

Blueprint Registry homepage  

Info About Blueprint Registry

How the Registry Works 

Benefits of Using the Registry 

*You might also like to read Wedding Registry Roundup.

*My photo

Holiday Blogging Break Plus Wedding Planning Help

5284717124_4b13475ce1_zMother of the Bride, I’m taking a blogging break until the first of the year so I can enjoy the holidays with my family, but first I have a little gift for you—a gift of help! Allow me to point you in the right direction to find some great ideas and tips. Maybe at some point over the holidays, you’ll have a little time to wear your MOB hat. The chances may not be good, but you never know!

I’ll resume regular posting on Jan. 3rd, but in the meantime, why not peruse the list of Favorite Posts on the sidebar or use the drop-down feature in the Archives to spot some posts that might be especially helpful to you at this stage in your Mother of the Bride journey. I hope you find just the help and encouragement you need and also enjoy some special moments with your daughter as you work together to plan the wedding of her dreams.

How’s that for some MOB help this holiday season, Mother of the Bride? And now just one last thing—Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

*You might also like to check out my Pinterest page. Among other things, it features nineteen wedding-related boards!

*Also find my annual Christmas poem over on my home page. Hope you enjoy—and see you in the new year!

*Flickr photo by mysza831, Creative Commons License

Waste Nothing

3910415397_5974dca644_z“When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, ‘Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.’” John 6:12 NIV

Jesus’ miraculous feeding of the 5,000 is one of the most well-known stories and miracles recorded in the Bible.

We remember the massive crowd of people who followed Jesus to a remote area. We remember the worry expressed by the disciples over how to feed such a large crowd. We remember the boy with five loaves and two fish and how Jesus gave thanks for the food and then had the disciples distribute it to the people. And we remember the twelve basketfuls of food that were amazingly left over. But do we remember what Jesus said (as recorded above) when everyone had had enough to eat?

Jesus said, “‘Let nothing be wasted.’” We don’t know exactly what Jesus had in mind with this instruction to his disciples. Maybe he wanted to provide the people with a powerful visual of his abundant provision and power as the leftovers were placed into baskets. Or maybe he wanted to teach his disciples to fully use all that he provides.

Whatever the full intention of Jesus’ instruction that day, we can apply the lesson of “let nothing be wasted” in our lives today, can’t we?

On a physical level, we can all use a reminder to be good stewards of God’s provision. Unless we’ve known poverty and extreme hardship, most of us occasionally—or even regularly—waste the resources at our disposal. Food gets tossed out, water goes down the drain (literally), electricity flows when not needed, and money gets spent on foolish things at times. So yes, we need this reminder today.

Let’s also consider how this important “let nothing be wasted” lesson can apply to other aspects of our lives as well. What about trials? Let’s not let the hard things in our lives—the pain, losses, disappointments, challenges, injustices, etc.—be wasted. Let’s learn from them or grow in character. Let’s be moved to some positive action.

And what about the blessings in our lives? Let’s not waste an ounce of the goodness God lavishes on us. Let’s fully enjoy and utilize and share them. And let’s continually give God praise and glory for all the wonderful things he does for us.

So friends, whatever comes into our lives, whether good or whether bad, let’s heed that same instruction Jesus gave to his disciples so many years ago: “Let nothing be wasted.”

When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other.” Ecclesiastes 7:14a NIV

*When have you grown through a trial? How have you fully used a blessing God has given you?

*The new issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, came out last week. It’s not too late to receive it. I feature a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue so don’t miss out. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by K.Hurley, Creative Commons License

Midweek Morsel: Attended by Angels

11248586324_e55d800f60_z“At once the Spirit sent him out into the desert, and he was in the desert forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him.” Mark1:12-13

Did you know angels attended Jesus during his days in the desert? Scripture doesn’t tell us exactly how they attended him, but they were on duty.

The gospel of Matthew specifically mentions angels attending Jesus after Satan tempted him (at the end of a forty day fast), and here in Mark’s gospel we hear that wild animals were part of the scene. My NIV text note says that in Jesus’ day there were many more wild animals, including lions, in Palestine. I guess Satan wasn’t the only danger in the desert. Wild animals posed a threat—and I’m sure the elements did as well.

The Israelites also experienced angelic attendance during their desert days. In Exodus (23:20, 23; 32:34), we’re told that an angel went ahead of them, guiding and protecting them. I wonder if the angels who attended Jesus did the same for him. Perhaps they even ministered to other needs he had.

If God sent angels to attend Jesus and also the Israelites during their desert days, don’t you think he might send them to us as well in our times of need? When we are faced with temptations, dangers, dry and barren days, as well as need in extreme situations, will God leave us to struggle on our own? No, he will minister to us. And it might just be through angels.

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;” Psalm 91:11

*Have you ever felt that angels were attending you?

*Flickr photo by, Creative Commons License

Midweek Morsel: Secure in God

Mount Moran from Oxbow BendMuch can happen in our lives to shake our security. On a national front, terrorists seek to steal any sense of security and safety we as Americans may have as we live our daily lives. On a personal front, serious losses can rock us to the core. Loss of a loved one, loss of a job and steady income, loss of good health, loss of a marriage. Rejection, failure, and betrayal can all leave us trying to make our way through life on wobbly legs.

What is the answer? Our only certain security lies in God, in depending on and trusting in him. With God by our side, we can indeed experience peace, rest, and joy as we depend on him, when we follow him and allow him to be our strength.

So what are we waiting for? Let’s place our trust in God. Let’s rest secure in him.

“I have set the LORD always before me,
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,” Psalm 16:8-9

*What do you do when you feel your sense of security slipping away?

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out in early February. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*My photo (Mt. Moran in Grand Teton National Park)