Blown Away by the Blessing of God

IMG_7811Most of you have heard our big news by now, but for those of you who haven’t, we’re going to be grandparents again—to another set of twins!! You heard me right. Twins again! After waiting and praying with Kristin and Shawn for years, God blessed them beyond our wildest hopes and gave them twin baby boys, and now we’ve got another miracle unfolding with our other daughter Kelli and her husband Jake!

Kelli bravely and beautifully shared their miracle in progress on Facebook earlier this month and has given me permission to share it here as well. May their story bless and encourage you!

“This is going to be a long post, but I feel I need to share every word of it. Some of you may know, Jake and I have been trying to get pregnant for a long time now. I get teary-eyed thinking about how tough the last three years have been. Every month we hoped and prayed, and every month we were disappointed. We tried to remain faithful, telling ourselves God had a plan, but you can’t help but wonder why God would put you through such a terrible experience. The worst part was answering the same question over and over, “When are you guys going to have some kids, what are you waiting for?”

About a year ago we decided to get help and started seeing a fertility specialist in Kansas City. After some tests and minor procedures, I got pregnant in October. I had a positive pregnancy test on a Monday and miscarried by Friday. It was the toughest week of the entire journey.

After the miscarriage, we decided to take a break from the doctors and the procedures and enjoy the holidays. The plan was to wait until the beginning of the year to decide whether we should keep trying, or start the adoption process. If we kept trying, it would require some more serious medical procedures.

In early December, our pastor gave a sermon on the birth of John the Baptist. His mother, Elizabeth, was barren, but maintained her faith and was eventually blessed. I fought tears the entire morning. At the end of the service, Bro. Aaron asked to pray with us. We had never told him of our struggle, he just told us he felt lead to pray with us, but didn’t know what to pray for. At this point, I lost it. I briefly told him about our troubles and we said a short prayer.

Two weeks later I knew I was pregnant before I even took a test, even though we hadn’t been to the specialist in months. The initial blood work confirmed it! The numbers were much higher than they were in October. After four weeks of anxiety, we finally had our first office appointment. Right away we were able to see a little squirming baby and hear its precious heartbeat. Then we saw the second heartbeat. That’s right, two heartbeats, two babies!!!

Our journey over the last three years is proof God answers prayers, but he does it according to His plan, not ours. Sometimes you even get twice what you prayed for! We continue to be cautiously optimistic, but wanted to share with everyone the miracle God has done in our lives, and celebrate these two lives. We appreciate the continued prayers.”

And now back to me—and what can I say except that we are all blown away by the blessing of God! Completely, undeniably blown away by his mercy, by his above and beyond blessing in our family’s lives. Long-term heartache for both of our daughters and their husbands—and us as well—turned to joy unspeakable. Our hearts overflow is almost an understatement!

As you join in our joy and praise to God, will you join us in prayer as well? Will you pray that all will go well with Kelli’s pregnancy and that the babies will grow and develop as they should? They are due on September 7th, but most twins come a few weeks early. I will be one busy grandma with one set of twins about an hour away and another set nearly six hours away! Busy, but extremely happy—and tired since I will also be trying to market my first book! Someone pass the vitamins, huh? LOL

“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, ‘The LORD has done great things for them.’ The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” Psalm 126:2-3

*When have you been blown away by the blessing of God?

*My photo

Bridal Accessory: Pearl Drop Earrings


Mother of the Bride, your daughter’s wedding gown is the centerpiece of her attire on wedding day, but her accessories are super important as well. Her veil, headpiece, shoes, and jewelry will all work together to add the finishing touches to the overall gorgeous picture she hopes to present to her groom on their big day.

One excellent choice for bridal earrings is a pearl drop earring. As you can see from the photo above, they are simple yet extremely elegant and look especially striking when the bride is wearing her hair up. As they dangle from the bride’s ears, they also complement the bridal gown by providing a splash of matching color near the bride’s jawline.

Why not check with your daughter, MOB, and see if pearl drop earrings appeal to her. They might provide the perfect look she’s hoping to achieve!

*Here are some great choices of pearl drop earrings on Etsy that you can show your daughter.

*Flickr photo by Ryan Smith Photography, Creative Commons License

Wedding Day First Dance Photo—Show Off Her Rings!


How about a twist on the more common Wedding Day first dance photos, Mother of the Bride? How about one that shows off the bride’s rings? That’s right, why not highlight the fact that she’s a married woman now. Let the glory of it be recorded for all time!

As the bride slips her arms around her groom’s neck, the photographer can capture the perfect shot—and not only of the rings, but of their love and of the elegance and beauty of their fairy tale day. Her freshly manicured nails and the sparkle of her rings shows up perfectly against his black tux, creating such a rich shot. But more than that, the love shines through without a word in this simple and tender pose.

MOB, why not share this post with the photographer so he or she can be looking for the perfect opportunity to capture a similar shot with your daughter and her beloved? What a sweet surprise it will be for them when they see the photos from their special day!

*You might also like to read Engagement Photo Idea: Show Off the Ring and A Keepsake Photo of the Wedding Invitation.

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out next week. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Don’t miss out on the One-More-Chance Starbucks Giveaway on my home page. Deadline to enter is Feb. 10th!

*Flickr Photo by Corey Ann, Creative Commons License

The Mother of the Bride’s Right-Hand Woman


Mother of the Bride, every MOB needs one—a right-hand woman. Someone you can call on at any time during your MOB journey. Someone who can offer advice as well as a listening ear. Someone who rides shotgun on your MOB shopping adventures and also helps with any task you may throw her way. Yes, MOB, you need a right-hand woman.

My right-hand woman for both of my daughters’ weddings was my dear friend Teri (pictured with me above as the reception wound down after Kelli’s wedding.) One of your BFFs, MOB, could serve as your right-hand woman, too, but many others could fill the role as well—a sister or sister-in-law, your mom or aunt, a cousin, or even one of your other daughters. As a matter of fact, my daughter Kristin ended up being another right-hand woman for me when Kelli got married.

And MOB, if you’re lucky like I was, your right-hand woman will offer all kinds of support. She’ll have skills in areas where you lack them. She’ll take joy in helping make your darling daughter’s day the best that it can be. She’ll give you honest but gentle feedback and laugh with you at just the right moments. When you’re overwhelmed, she’ll let you be a mess and love you anyway. She’ll be ever-ready to help and always keep you in her prayers. She’ll be your right-hand woman.

So MOB, look around and identify that helper of all helpers, that friend of all friends on your wedding-planning journey. Cherish her. Lean on her. And every now and then, thank her in a special way. If it involves chocolate for both of you, so much the better!

*Thanks, Teri, for being my right-hand woman when my girls got married!

*You might also like to read Make the Mother of the Groom Part of the Team and A Planning Journal for Your Mother of the Bride Notes.

*Photo by Will Flowers

Midweek Morsel: One Quality Gives Rise to Another


“Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.” Psalm 85:10

Some things just go together, don’t they? Peanut butter and jelly, green eggs and ham, cake and ice cream. The list goes on—and includes much beyond the realm of food, by the way.

As I read the verse above not long ago, I noticed some qualities that were joined together, partnered like perfect pairs. Love and faithfulness, righteousness and peace. One giving rise to the other.

Where love reigns, we’ll also find faithfulness. When righteousness shines forth, peace will be nearby. Isn’t it wonderful how other blessings will be ours when we love and live rightly as the Lord instructs? May we each one see these perfect pairs shining in our lives!

“. . . shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life . . . “ Philippians 2:15b-16a

*Can you think of other qualities where one gives rise to the other?

*Flickr photo by menteblu61, Creative Commons License