Time for Life Notes Subscriber Appreciation Giveaway!


*Since my husband will be on Fall Break later this week, I’ll be skipping my midweek post. See you again next Monday!

Have you subscribed to Life Notes, my free quarterly inspirational newsletter? If so, you’re in luck. Why? Because it’s time for my annual Life Notes Subscriber Appreciation Giveaway! If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can join the lucky bunch right now. Just sign up for Life Notes to the right under “Free For You.”

One lucky subscriber will be awarded a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble in mid-November—the perfect time to give a gift of thanks. And, of course, I’m hoping the giveaway will help grow my subscriber list, too! :)

Here’s how the giveaway will work. All those who are currently subscribed to Life Notes will automatically be entered in the giveaway, and any new subscriber who signs up by 6 p.m. (CST) Nov. 11 will be entered as well. Sign up is to the right on the blog sidebar—and yes, it’s free! You don’t even have to leave a comment on this post. Just make sure you’re signed up for the newsletter. I will announce the winner in my November 12 Midweek Morsel post.

So have you all joined the lucky bunch of Life Notes subscribers now? My heart’s desire is that it will be a blessing to each one who reads it—and I hope that includes you!

“Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants. I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh praise the greatness of our God!” Deuteronomy 32:2-3

*I’m thankful for each and every Life Notes subscriber. Who are you thankful for today?

*Flickr photo by kissyface, Creative Commons License

Midweek Morsel: Old Glory Still Flies

419187374_244fb2442b_zAs we head into this Fourth of July holiday weekend, aren’t you glad that Old Glory still flies? Much blood has been shed and many sacrifices made to ensure that our country is still “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” I, for one, am forever grateful, and I’m sure you are, too.

Let’s not forget that it’s because of the One to whom all glory is due that our nation still stands where Old Glory can fly. Thank you, Father, for the freedom we enjoy. Thank you, O Lord, for your watch-care and mercy!

“Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.” Psalm 29:2

*What are some of the ways God has blessed our nation?

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out in early August. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by arbyreed, Creative Commons License

Midweek Morsel: Look What God Does!


I love passages of scripture that recount some of the things our mighty and loving God does. One such passage is found in Psalm 146:6-10. Just look at a few of the things the Maker of heaven and earth does!

“He is the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them—
he remains faithful forever.
He upholds the cause of the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry.
The LORD sets prisoners free,
the LORD gives sight to the blind,
the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down,
the LORD loves the righteous.
The LORD watches over the alien
and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.

The LORD reigns forever,
your God, O Zion, for all generations.

Praise the LORD.” Psalm 146:6-10

Praise the Lord indeed!

And don’t you love how verses that tell us what God does can be turned into prayers? Pray through this passage with me, won’t you, asking God to do these very things in our lives, in the lives of others we know, and in our world today. He is forever faithful. He will continue to do these things!

*Which part of this scripture passage resonates the most with you today?

*Flickr photo by Andréia, Creative Commons License

Green Wedding Trend: Rent and Borrow More Items


Mother of the Bride, is your daughter earth friendly and hoping to incorporate some green strategies into her wedding celebration? If so, along with some of her other ideas, I’ve got a super simple and economic idea to add to the list. Simple plus economic—can’t be that, huh?

According to a recent Bridal Guide blog post, one of the top eco-friendly wedding trends for next year is renting and borrowing more items. They say brides will be renting everything from gowns to jewelry to vases. They also point out that more vendors are offering rentals now as they respond to the economy and to customers’ buying habits.

Last spring I wrote a post about borrowing wedding items so I’m glad to hear that the idea is becoming more widespread. So many items can be borrowed—or rented—when you stop to think about. Be sure to read my “borrowing” post for lots of ideas.

MOB, go ahead and make a list of things to borrow or rent and then also ask your vendors for any rentals they offer. They may offer something you hadn’t yet put on your list. And then after the wedding, be ready and willing to loan the items you actually bought. Other budget-strapped MOBs will thank you!

*You might also like to read Wedding Savings Tip: Borrow! and Post-Wedding Inventory.

*Flickr photo by FestivitiesMN, Creative Commons License

*The Life Notes Subscriber Appreciation Giveaway is underway. Details are in my Oct. 16 post on my home page and sign-up is to the right under “Free For You.” Deadline is 6 p.m. Nov. 12. Don’t miss out on the chance to win a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble!

Annual Life Notes Subscriber Appreciation Giveaway!

4392247067_d1e4b21397_zHave you subscribed to Life Notes, my free quarterly inspirational newsletter, yet? If so, you’re in luck. Why? Because it’s time for my annual Life Notes Subscriber Appreciation Giveaway! If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can join the lucky bunch right now. Just sign up for Life Notes on the right sidebar of my site under “Free For You.”

One lucky subscriber will be awarded a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble in mid-November—the perfect time to give a gift of thanks. And, of course, I’ve got to admit I’m hoping the giveaway will be a good way to grow my subscriber list, too!

Here’s how the giveaway will work. All those who are currently subscribed to Life Notes will automatically be entered in the giveaway, and any new subscriber who signs up by 6 p.m. (CST) Nov. 12 will be entered as well. Sign up is to the right on the blog sidebar—and yes, it’s free! You don’t even have to leave a comment on this post. Just make sure you’re signed up for the newsletter. I will announce the winner in my November 13 Midweek Morsel post.

So have you all joined the lucky bunch of Life Notes subscribers now? My heart’s desire is that it will be a blessing to each one who reads it—and I hope that includes you!

“Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants. I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh praise the greatness of our God!” Deuteronomy 32:2-3

*I’m thankful for each and every Life Notes subscriber. Who are you thankful for today?

*Flickr photo by kissyface, Creative Commons License