Hanging on His Every Word

For the past few months, I’ve been slowly reading through the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the Bible), trying to notice as much as I can about Jesus and the things He said. Most of it is familiar to me, but it’s amazing how much seems fresh and new as I read with a miner’s eyes — eyes looking for treasure.

I happened upon one nugget in Luke 19 after the passage about Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem just days before His crucifixion. Luke tells us He spent the next few days teaching in the temple while, at the same time, some of his enemies — the chief priests, the teachers of the law, and the leaders among the people — were looking for an opportunity to kill Him. They couldn’t find a way to do it, however, because “all the people hung on his words.” (v. 48)

What an image that phrase creates… Do you see the crowds gathered round, pressing in, trying to get as close to Jesus as they could? Do you see them straining to hear, shushing those who might cause them to miss something He said? Do you see the few who came prepared with writing materials taking notes with urgency as Jesus spoke? Do you see them all hanging on His every word?

Whose words are we hanging on to? To whom do we pay close attention? For some, it might be a famous teacher or pastor, and for others it could be a celebrity therapist or talk show host. Some may even drink in every word uttered by their favorite sports star, musician, or movie star.

I’ve mentioned here on the blog about some of the times I’ve had opportunity to sit under the teaching of published authors such as Cec Murphey, Suzie Eller, Jan Dargatz, Deborah Vogts, and Therese Stenzel. Each time I listened with rapt attention, interest gleaming in my eyes, and pen ready to capture the insight and wisdom they chose to share that hour. Yes, I hung on their words. I knew they could nourish, encourage, challenge, or train me, and I didn’t want to miss any of it.

How much more should I hang on to the words of my Creator and Sustainer, my Savior and my Lord? I know He can nourish, encourage, challenge, and train me — and I don’t want to miss any of it. How about you? I say let’s turn to His Word with fresh fervor!

“When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God Almighty.” Jeremiah 15:16

Flickr photo by Iangatos

**The next issue of Life Notes, my free quarterly inspirational newsletter, will be coming out next week. There’s a special giveaway coming for all subscribers, current and new. Don’t miss out — sign up for it on the sidebar!


  1. I think you just did, Cheryl. Hang onto his every “word.” Your pen and your post stand as a living witness to this fact.

    Going to hang onto Jesus his week with all my strength and then some. He’s got so much to teach me, say to me, work in me. Those red-letter words aren’t just filler. They’re LIFE to me.

    Love you.


  2. Love this post. Thanks!

  3. Hanging on to His every Word. Yes, we need to be devouring it in urgent hunger! His Word is Truth and we need to saturate ourselves in it.

    THanks Cheryl!

  4. Hanging on His every word. Boy, would our lives change if we did that faithfully.


  5. What a vivid picture you painted with your pen today, Cheryl. I love how you went mining through God’s word, and came away with a gem.

    My heart is to hang on to every word from the Holy Spirit. To hear with His ears and see with His eyes.

  6. Beautiful Cheryl!!! Thank you for sharing with us. Love you.

  7. Amen! Thank you for this, Cheryl. Such wise words.

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