Preparing for Peace

I spent the day yesterday preparing for peace. I went Christmas shopping. I’m willing to bet you don’t think those two things go hand in hand, but stay with me a minute. I didn’t say I spent the day in peace — just said I was preparing for it.

The day, in fact, was anything but peaceful. Since we have very little shopping available in our community, my Tulsa days turn into regular marathons, especially when it’s time to start looking for Christmas gifts, too. Talk about a challenge. Snacks, coupons, and list (or should I say game plan?!) in hand, I hit the ground running and didn’t stop until I sat down at Arby’s for a quick bite to eat before heading to my FCW meeting. Even then, I didn’t stop. While eating, I checked things off my list and recorded amounts spent, etc. Crazy, huh?

You know what I’ve discovered, though? A couple of marathon shopping days like this at some point before Thanksgiving sets me up for a more peaceful and relaxed December. Yes, I’ll admit December is still hectic, but my stress level definitely falls if I plan ahead and get most of my shopping done before Christmas music starts filling the airwaves.

You see, I want to enjoy the season. I want to prepare for peace. Christmas is, after all, a celebration of peace –the Prince of Peace coming to bring peace on earth to us all. I don’t want to be so distracted and pressed for time that I miss what the season has to offer, that I miss the joy and peace of reflecting on the Savior… that I miss special moments with Him.

And so I make efforts to plan ahead. Early shopping. Baking things to put in the freezer. Avoiding scheduling appointments in December that aren’t absolutely necessary. These are a few of the things I do to prepare for peace.

How about you? How do you prepare for Christmas peace? If you haven’t started yet, don’t worry. It’s not too late. Why not join me? Let’s do a little planning ahead. Let’s not miss special moments with our Prince of Peace this year.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

*Flickr photo by Luz Adriana Villa A.,Creative Commons License


  1. I always shop the week after Thanksgiving on a day in which the mall is open until 11pm. By 7pm most people are gone and I can do all the shopping in 1 trip. I wrap everything the next night and then sit by the tree listening to Christmas carols. I then have time to prepare my heart for the day we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Wonderful Counselor, Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

  2. I’ve vacated the home front for a couple of days with my folks. Mom and I are hitting the stores tomorrow and begin! Truly, just being away from the routine and noise is great preparation for Peace.


  3. Great idea, Cheryl! Thanks for suggesting it! I think I’ll try to do a little shopping next week . . .

  4. I dropped over here from Renae’s blog and have so enjoyed your writing!

    And I just had to comment on this post… I love it! “Preparing for Peace” is exactly what I needed to read!

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