Pain Before Pleasure

3965290660_f3a989c1c1_z*Since we’ve been traveling more often the past couple of months to help take care of our grandbabies, I’ve been sharing encore posts more often than usual. Today I’m featuring one from April 2012. Hope it blesses you!

Sometimes new things—good things—hurt. Think of the pain that precedes or accompanies some of the happenings in our lives. Whether it’s a move, a promotion, the birth of a child, goals achieved, weight loss, or our young adult children leaving us to start responsible lives of their own, most of the time pain comes before the pleasure is realized.

In my writing life, this has certainly proved to be true. I make mistakes as I venture into new and challenging territories. I experience the pain of rejection in order to realize the pleasure and joy of publication. I put in hours and hours of labor to see my work come to completion, and the strain on the brain (as well as the tushy!) can be quite painful at times.

Pain before pleasure also marks my personal life. For instance, I don’t like the planning and packing that must precede a vacation or the fact that my arthritic joints cry out against the uncomfortable positions I must assume to pick fresh strawberries from our patch. When my girls were growing up, I dreaded the discipline I had to dish out in order to see them become responsible and caring adults. The examples could go on and on.

The principle of pain before pleasure also dots the landscape of my spiritual life—and yours as well, I’m sure. To come into relationship with Jesus, we must first feel the sting of our sin as we realize our need for a Savior. Then lessons in unconditional love and forgiveness come with the price tags of hurt and anger, while deeper relationship with our Lord often grows from periods of heartache, fear, or desperation. Yes, pain comes before the pleasure of salvation, freedom, peace, comfort, and a host of other blessings.

Let’s consider our salvation and hope of heaven a bit further. Even though we experience some pain and sorrow as we realize our sinfulness, Jesus took on the real pain for us. He suffered and died to pay the price for our sins, to make a way for us to live in victory today and to have the assurance of eternal life with Him in heaven.

As we celebrate Easter each year, we see the ultimate example of pain before pleasure. Jesus’ death before His resurrection. Darkness before light. Sorrow before joy. New life to all of us who will turn from the old sinful nature and give our hearts to the One who gave His all for us. Pain before pleasure—a pleasure for us as we gain a Savior and Friend, as we gain eternal life. A pleasure for Him as we accept His gift and become His children.

Let’s live in that pleasure today and every day. Let’s live in the joy of Easter!

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5

*If you’re in a painful phase right now, take heart — pleasure will come again. Anyone have examples you’d like to share from your own life of pain before pleasure?

*Flickr photo by mikebaird, Creative Commons License

Midweek Morsel: Covered


Anyone anywhere covered by a blanket of snow right now? Here in our corner of the nation’s breadbasket, we got a little snow earlier this week but haven’t really seen much of the white stuff this winter. However, I know some regions of the country have been hit hard with heavy snowfalls in recent days and weeks. And they’ve been the kind of heavy snows that can be hard to dig out of.

Of course, there are those of us who may be covered by other things today. Even weightier than snow. Some are covered by the burdens of grief, debt, pain, fear, or broken relationships while others of us in happier seasons are feeling blanketed with joy, excitement, gratitude, renewed strength, or love.

Whatever our differing situations, whatever we’re covered with today, isn’t it good to know that we can all be covered with the love of God? That because Jesus shed his own blood to pay the price for our sins, we can all be covered with forgiveness and salvation if we’ll only call on him? Isn’t it good to know we can all be covered by his grace, covered with the hope he gives?

Yes, we can all be blanketed with the peace that can only be found in the Lord. And that’s something that weighs light. Something we’ll never want to dig out from under.

“Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.” Psalm 32:1

*When have you felt blanketed by the peace of God?

*My photo from a previous winter.

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, came out earlier this month. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is free and to the right!

Midweek Morsel: A Winner Plus Some Christmas Peace


Ho, Ho, Ho! Time to announce the winner of the “Playing Santa Again” Giveaway! The winner of the $20 credit towards a purchase from artist Jana Botkin’s website is Elaine! Congrats and Merry Christmas, Elaine! Have fun selecting a purchase from Jana!

Now for the rest of us: In the midst of this jolly Ho, Ho, Ho season, many of us may actually be longing for a little Christmas peace. A little lull in all of the frenzied activity. We can find that if we stop long enough to seize it. But others may be longing for peace of a deeper sort. Peace of the soul.

Here’s what Billy Graham has said about Christmas peace:

“Centuries have rolled by, and still the world longs for and looks for the peace the angels sang about on that first Christmas morning . . . ‘Where is His peace?’ you ask. I’ll tell you where it is. It abides in the hearts of all who have trusted His grace.”

If you’re longing for true Christmas peace—peace of the soul—give your heart to the Savior today. Place your faith in him. Trust in him. Receive his peace.

“Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.’” Luke 2:13-14

*How does knowing the peace of Christ change your life?

*Flickr photo by mseckington, Creative Commons License

Midweek Morsel: The Great Exchange


Consider this scripture passage from Zechariah with me today. It’s a small portion of his account of a vision he had. As you read, imagine the scene in your mind’s eye:

“Then he [the angel] showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD . . . Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. The angel said to those who were standing before him, ‘Take off his filthy clothes.’

Then he said to Joshua, ‘See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you.’” Zechariah 3:1a, 3-4

Even though this vision was about a high priest and how he represented the sinful nation of Israel, as I read it I immediately pictured what Jesus does for us his children.

As we call on Jesus, asking him to forgive our sins and be our Savior, he removes our filthy sin-stained clothes. He forgives us, cleanses us, and dresses us in the rich garments of his salvation and righteousness. He puts on us the royal robes worn by the family of God. He performs the great exchange.

What great love and forgiveness Jesus extends to all who come to him in faith! Praise and thank him with me today, won’t you?

“. . . ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow . . . ’” Isaiah 1:18

*Have you received the royal robes of the family of God yet? If not, why not ask for His forgiveness and cleansing today!

*The Life Notes Subscriber Appreciation Giveaway is underway. Details are in my Oct. 16 post and sign-up is to the right under “Free For You.” Deadline is 6 p.m. Nov. 12. Don’t miss out on the chance to win a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble!

*Flickr photo by Douglas Brown, Creative Commons License

Midweek Morsel: A Scripture Prayer Asking God to Act


Throughout our world and within our nation we see atrocities committed, we see the need for justice. The wicked need to be stopped, need to pay for their horrific deeds. Peace-loving, law-abiding people need someone to act in their behalf.

Also around the world and within our nation—and within our very own lives—we see hardship, grief, and pain. We’ve been forced to shoulder burdens that feel too heavy to carry anymore. We need someone to act in our behalf.

Here is a scripture prayer that we can pray in times like these. When justice or relief is needed, let’s cry these words to God:

“O LORD, you have seen this, be not silent.” Psalm 35:22a

*Do you have a burden the rest of us can help you shoulder through prayer?

*Flickr photo by spaceamoeba, Creative Commons License