Archives for May 2016

Wedding Favors: A Boxed Surprise


Mother of the Bride, you and your sweet girl may have more important things on your minds right now than wedding favors, but the topic will come up before you know it.

Why not be prepared and jot down favor ideas as you see them. Or if you haven’t done so yet, you could create a wedding board on Pinterest and save your ideas that way. I have one especially for Wedding Favors so you might want to pop over and take a look while it’s on your mind.

One fun idea is offering the guests a boxed surprise. Guests will enjoy discovering the treasure in their individual little gift boxes, and you could even add an additional element of surprise by having multiple possibilities. One guest might find dark chocolates filled with chocolate while another finds milk chocolates filled with raspberry cream, etc. Or you daughter might like to go with something entirely different from chocolate. It’s her party. She gets to choose!

I also love the little boxes pictured above with the various color ribbons and styles of applique rather than bows, but other sizes, shapes, and décor for boxes are available where you find wedding supplies. Again, the bride will have fun making this choice.

What do you think, MOB? Is this an idea your daughter might like? You’ll never know unless you ask—so ask away!

*You might also like to read A Wedding Favor That Pampers: Beigetone Soaps!, Fall Wedding Favor Idea: Caramel Apples!, Wedding Favors That Grow: Tree Seedlings!, and Edible Favors—Yes, Please!

*The latest issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, came out last week. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by Corey Ann, Creative Commons License

Midweek Morsel: Glory Surrounds


May is here and the glory of spring surrounds us, doesn’t it? Green is not just peeking any longer. It’s in full swing, setting the perfect emerald backdrop for the bursts of color the spring flowers are treating us to. Yes, glory surrounds.

Leafy fullness adorns our trees once again. No little buds just teasing us with what’s to come. We listen and hear the leaves swish in the breeze, we are energized by their testimony to life. Yes, glory surrounds.

Spring has brought more of our favorite birds back to us as well. They sing, they dash to and fro, busy with building this season’s homes. They remind us of the wonder of nature, the miracle of creation, and the mighty God who is responsible for it all. The loving God who shares it all with us. Yes, indeed, glory surrounds.

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers . . . what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him.” Psalm 8:3a,4

*What’s your favorite part of spring’s glory?

*The new issue of Life Notes, my inspirational quarterly newsletter, came out earlier this week. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by Moyan_Brenn, Creative Commons License

Bridal Bouquet: Classic and Elegant Calla Lilies


Mother of the Bride, has your darling daughter given any thought to her bridal bouquet yet? With so many beautiful options out there, she may be having trouble deciding on which type of bouquet will be perfect for her dream-come-true day. You can’t make the choice for her, but you can certainly help by suggesting a few for her to consider.

Roses, of course, are beautifully classic, but another ever-classic and elegant option is a bouquet done completely in white Calla Lilies. These gorgeous sleek flowers will beautifully complement any bridal gown, especially with the little pop of color the center of each flower will add. According to, white Calla Lilies are widely available year-round, too, making this an easy option for all.

What do you think, MOB? Will this gorgeous option strike a dream-come-true chord with your daughter? If so, that’s one more decision taken care of. Have fun checking it off your list!

*You might also like to read Bridal Bouquet and Boutonniere Sheet Music Idea, Inexpensive Bridal Bouquet Idea: Baby’s Breath, Wedding Idea That Sparkles: A Brooch Bouquet, and Knitted Bridal Bouquet and More.

*The new issue of Life Notes, my inspirational quarterly newsletter, came out earlier this week. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by Dario Pichini Photographer, Creative Commons License

Wedding Registry to Consider: Sur La Table!


Mother of the Bride, when it comes time to register, your sweet girl might want to consider Sur La Table for one of her registries—especially if she and/or her groom love to cook and spend time in the kitchen. A cooking specialty store like Sur La Table will surely hit the spot for them, right?

The Sur La Table website has all kinds of registry helps: Creating, Finding, and Managing a Registry, Top Registry Gifts, Reasons to Register, Tips and Guides, information on Special Registry Events, and also a Gift Registry Concierge to assist you. You can receive help in the store, by phone, or online.

Sur La Table also offers free gifts for the couple. Some they’ll get just for registering and others they’ll qualify for after items from their registries are purchased. Sounds like a sweet deal to me!

So MOB, if your Mr. & Mrs.-to-be plan to cook up more than passion after they’re married, why not send them over to Sur La Table? They might even thank you by inviting you over for dinner sometime!

*You might also like to read A Fair Trade Wedding Registry: Ten Thousand Villages, A Wedding Registry to Consider: Williams Sonoma!,  Wedding Registry to Consider: Pottery Barn!, and A Wedding Registry to Consider: Best Buy!

The new issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out tomorrow. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by Gary Soup, Creative Commons License

Career Recipe for Writers

2597109669_d8b0b519e9_zJust for fun—and for a little introspection and insight—let’s write a recipe today.  Let’s make it a recipe for whatever our careers or main job descriptions are at this point in our lives. You game?

Here’s my recipe for being a writer:

1 computer

1 printer/scanner/copier/fax

1 direct line to God the Father (aka prayer)

2 heaping c. of “learn the ropes”

4 c. BIC (butt in chair) time (aka writing, writing, writing)

2 c. reading widely

1 writers market guide

1 c. ongoing education and conferences

½ c. business know-how/record keeping

½ c. critique group

1/2 c. business emails

1 thick skin

2 c. positive outlook

8 c. perseverance and determination

1 1/2 c. blogging

½ c. Facebook and other social media

1 T. fellowship at monthly writers group

1/8 c. networking on other blogs

Mix all together and let simmer.  Add humor and journaling to taste and eat chocolate as needed. Do this every work day.

So what does it take to do your job? What would your recipe look like? As you consider the ingredients for your recipe, do you see anything in your life that needs to be altered?

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23

*The new issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out this week. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by DeaPeaJay, Creative Commons License