Guest Blogger: Duane Hoy — My Dad!

My parents, Duane and Charlene, on their 60th wedding anniversary in January.

You may have already guessed this, but my dad is not really a blogger :) In fact, he doesn’t even own a computer. But he did send me a handwritten copy of the story below, and as soon as I read it, I knew I wanted to share it with you.

Dad recently told me he enjoys writing and feels he can sometimes express himself best through the written word. As I heard this and read his story, my writing rootscame more clearly into focus. An aptitude for writing seems to be in the blood. Hope you are blessed by his story!

The Christmas Cactus

This morning I walked into our front bedroom to view the Christmas cactus we’ve had for I don’t know how many years—several. It has faithfully produced profuse blooms each Christmas season.

This season it had gone through severe adversity, having undergone the pruner’s shears in preparation for our Oklahoma move from Nixa, Missouri in late August.

Even though the long trailing limbs were cut back severely, it seemed determined to bloom in spite of it, poking out its little bloom buds in various unexpected places.

We have enjoyed the colorful display well up into February, and still some small buds are making an appearance along with the present blooms.

I thought as I looked at the Christmas cactus, couldn’t we take a lesson from it? Regardless of setbacks, severe or otherwise, are we as determined to bloom where God put us?

“‘He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.’” John 15:2

*What fruit or new growth have you seen in your life after a setback?


  1. Oh Cheryl what a beautiful story! Your dad has wonderful writing skills!!

  2. Love the analogy and so true. Thanks for sharing, Cheryl!

  3. Great post, Cheryl. I love the picture of your parents. How special!

    I enjoyed your father’s analogy. :)

  4. Alicia, Debbie, and Cathy, so glad you enjoyed Dad’s story! It’s my pleasure to share it. And Cathy, yes, the photo is very special. Definitely a treasure!

  5. That is inspiring.

  6. Your dad is a devotional writer. He has a lot to say and did it succinctly. It reminds me of the devotionals in The Upper Room.

  7. nancy Douglas says

    Thanks for sharing. I see where you got the writing bug. We are still yielding fruit from last year’s pruning. No pain, no gain. No lie.
    Love ya!

  8. I love this post, Cheryl! And whether he realizes it or not, he IS a writer!

    What a special day this is. I sure wish I my daddy was here to post on my blog. What a precious gift that would be!

    Thanks, Mr. Hoy!

  9. Ladies, so nice to hear all of your comments! I will be sure to show them to Dad.

    Kristin, Grandpa’s story is indeed inspiring!

    Judith, I agree — he conveyed so much in a succint way.

    Nancy, so good to hear that you guys are seeing fruit from the difficult year you endured last year. God is faithful!

    And Vonda, I wish you were able to have your Daddy guest post on your blog, too. You’re right — it’s very special. I am blessed!

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