Colorado Vacation Beauty

Mom & DadIt’s time to bring Summer Photo Fun to an end so let’s do it giving God glory, huh? While on our family vacation to Estes Park, Colorado/Rocky Mountain National Park in July, God blessed us with the magnificent beauty of His creation, and I’d love to share some of it with you. The pictures don’t do it justice, but you can click on each photo to see a larger version where the beauty can be better seen.

Since our daughters and their husbands vacationed with us, many of these photos belong to them. Please remember that photos as well as the written word on my blog are copyrighted.

Now on to the beauty :) Hope you enjoy seeing some of God’s best work! :)

Behind our condo, this trail ran alongside the Big Thompson River. Such a beautiful and relaxing spot!

Lily Lake

Lily Lake outside of Estes Park, CO.

One of many chipmunks we enjoyed watching while in CO.

We spotted several deer in the wild as well.

Lily pads

Nymph Lake in RMNP.

KristinKristin surrounded by an aspen grove. She has loved aspens since she was a young girl. (Taken on the trail to Alberta Falls.)

An area lush with fern, also on the trail to Alberta Falls.

Spectacular Alberta Falls. We were told by a local that it’s wilder this year than he’s seen it for 30 years. A good year to see the Falls!

One of the many amazing views from Trail Ridge Road. Can you spot the little mountain lake?

Lots of elk

And wonder of all wonders, we happened upon an entire herd of elk grazing in meadow alongside Trail Ridge Road. I’ve heard of things like this but have never seen it before. We felt beyond blessed. Take a closer look with me:

Elk 2
Elk 3
Elk 4

“Well, hello there! Thanks for coming out to see us!” :)

What an amazing world we have. What an amazing God!

“O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” Psalm 8:1a

*The current issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter/ezine, came out last week. It’s not too late to receive it. If you’re not already getting it, sign-up is free and to the right!



  1. You saw elk!! Our part of the state is supposedly known for elk, but we’ve yet to see one, let alone a herd lounging in a field. Very cool.

  2. Beautiful pics… I’m especially fond of the path one! Just think, before long you’ll have some grandchildren to pack along for those trips. Won’t that be fun?!


  3. So pretty!!! It looks like you were able to drink in all the beauty around you on your trip. And hopefully enjoy some nice weather too. I have enjoyed vacationing through my bloggy and FB friends this summer…but your pics made me want to step into them more than most! : )

  4. Wow! Thanks for the pictures. This is God’s country for sure! My husband went to RMNP two years ago and I’ve been dying to go ever since I saw his pictures. No yours have stirred me up again!
    So glad that you are having a wonderful trip with your family.


  5. Stunning pictures, Cheryl! We’ve been in the Midwest all week and I too have found myself saying, what an amazing Creator we have. Each part of our country is so beautiful and unique! Blessings!

  6. Beautiful Pictures! Looks like a relaxing vacation spot. I love to take pictures of nature when we are out.

  7. Cheryl, great pictures and recap of your trip. Enjoyed the posting!

  8. That path behind the condo looks like a painting. All the photos are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

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