Favorites from the Book of all Books

If you’ve followed my blog for very long, you know that we talk books every now and then. It’s fun to share what we’re currently reading and what our favorites are and at the same time pick up some great recommendations for future reads. Today I’d like to talk books again, but this time let’s talk about the Book of all books — the Bible, also known as the Word of God.

As I tell the little ones in my nursery-age Sunday School class, the Bible is a special book. In fact, it’s the most treasured book I own and my absolute all-time favorite to read. When it comes to other books, even the ones I fall in love with or am blown away by, none stay as close to my heart as the Bible. After I read others, I put them on a shelf and only think of them occasionally. Because I love them, I might pick them up again and reread them years later, but they don’t impact my life every day.

Not so with my Bible. I read it (or select verses from it in devotional reading) daily. I even try to memorize verses that I especially need or love. Not only is the Word of God “useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16) in my life, it breathes fresh life into me like nothing else is able to do. It comforts me, guides me, encourages me, and gives me truth that I can offer to other thirsty souls. To put it like the Bible itself does, “the word of God is living and active…” (Hebrews 4:12)

I’m sure the Bible is as life-changing and precious to many of you as well. So today let’s share some of our “favorites” from it. What’s your favorite book within the Bible? Favorite story? Favorite verse? I hope you’ll take time to leave a comment and answer any one or all of the questions. It’ll be fun to hear what’s especially meaningful to others, won’t it?

I think my favorite book has to be Psalms — maybe because I love poetic writing and music, but it’s also so full of refreshment and encouragement. My favorite story is the Christmas story. For me, it’s just hard to top the angel’s announcement of a Savior born to us all. And favorite verse? That’s a hard one. So many mean so much to me. But one I come back to time and again is Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” (NKJV)

Okay, it’s your turn. Tell us your favorites from the Book of all books!

“They are not just idle words for you—they are your life.” Deuteronomy 32:47a

*Flickr photo by Savio Sebastian, Creative Commons License


  1. My most recent favorite is James 1:2-4. It popped up in my reading on the exact day after a sleepless night of worrying. Those who know Cody, know that he has had a pretty rough year this past year. These verses talk about counting trials as joy because they build your endurance and when your endurance is fully developed you will be ready for anything. I was able to share those verses with him just when they were needed, and God shared them with me just when I needed them too.

  2. I also like Psalms for the poetry. I enjoy Proverbs for the wisdom. But my absolute favorite is Proverbs 31, because it is what I strive to be. “But her children will rise up and call her blessed…” (Proverbs 31:28) and “A woman of noble character is worth far more than precious rubies…” (Provers 31:10)

  3. My favorite is Romans 12:9-21. it’s really been a set of verses that I read again and again as a framework for living. So many dear verses, though, its hard to choose just one favorite!

  4. Thanks for sharing, gals. Powerful passages all.

    Emily, I had to look up the verses in Romans as I couldn’t recall what it said — oh my goodness, you’re so right. What a framework for living.

    Carolyn, so glad the Lord blessed you with those verses at just the right time for you and Cody — God is so good to do that for us.

    And Kirsten, what great goals from Proverbs 31. May we all desire the same!

  5. Ecclesiastes really grabs me with its authenticity and James for its wisdom. Jeremiah 29:11-13 and Romans 8:28 are favorites when I want reassurance. John 14 is for when I need Jesus’s undiluted voice. Because God’s Word is alive and active, my list of favorites is very fluid!

  6. Galations 5:22- 26 have been verses I have have tried to live by and teach my kids as well. My favorite story is Noah’s ark and the promise God gave us in that lesson. It is awesome to know that no matter how many people may break a promise to me God will Never to that and is always there for me no matter what!

    This was a great idea Cheryl

  7. Cheryl,
    I have so many favorites! The ones that jump out right now are Philippians (all of it), John 1:1-14 (and the whole book really), Romans 8,
    Psalm 139. Paul’s other letters are favorites too!

    Yes indeed it is a good book!

  8. Jana, I love how you said your list of favorites is fluid because God’s Word is indeed alive and active. So true how different verses or passages are near and dear to our hearts at different times of life.

    Nanette, thanks for mentioning the story of Noah’s ark and the promise God made to us then — and for reminding us that we can count on God’s promises!

    Kelli, I’m like you — I have so many favorites, it’s nearly impossible to pick just one!

  9. Just so many favorites, but one in particular is the very short book of Haggai. A story of “rebuilding” that speaks profoundly to my heart. Before I “build” anything for myself, I need to make sure I’ve built a permanent place for Jesus within my heart.



    Through twenty centuries
    It, and its theme, Christ,
    Have retained their relevance,
    Their freshness,
    And their resonance.

    “His compassions fail not”, Lamentations 3: 22

  11. Laura Drumb says

    Like everyone else, I have a hard time focusing on one verse/passage as my all-time favorite, depends on the mood I’m in as to which meets my needs for that moment. Eph. 3:16-21 (especially in the Living Bible) has become my life passage because it contains the whole Gospel message; Psalm 139 reminds me whose I am & why; Deut. 4:9 is my goal for my grandchildren; Is. 51:16 is for my writing; John 14 & Psalm 121 give me peace! AND SO MANY MORE!! Thanks for doing this, just amazing how each one mentioned has a special place already in my heart!

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