In Need of Blood

crossLast week, while some sort of flu bug continued to nag at me, Don’s mom had to once again go into the hospital unexpectedly. Pulling hospital duty while dealing with the remnants of flu-like headaches and pains is no fun, but you do what you’ve gotta do, especially when a loved one is in need.

The culprit this time proved to be an infection that also got into the bloodstream, and like so many other times before where my mother-in-law’s health is concerned, one problem turns into another which turns into another. By Friday the doctor determined she needed a blood transfusion, which has become quite risky for her because she’s developed so many antibodies in her blood. And because of those antibodies, they always have to send off for her needed blood. Thus, the transfusion couldn’t take place until Monday.

In the meantime, Don spoke with the doctor to see if there was anything else that could be done instead. We wanted to avoid a transfusion if at all possible. The doc, however, made it plain that she needed the blood. She had to have the blood.

An amazing thing happened over the weekend, though. The problem began righting itself, and by Monday morning, the nurse informed me that the doctor had changed his mind. The transfusion wouldn’t be necessary. But then in the next breath she told me of another problem that had developed. My response? Concern, frustration, and gratitude all at the same time. I chose to rejoice in the moment. Mom’s need for blood had passed, that particular risk had been avoided.

Over the weekend as I thought about Mom’s need for blood, another need for blood came to mind. Because we all are sinners, because we all have done wrong things (“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23), we all stand in need of the cleansing blood of Jesus, we all stand in need of a Savior (“…and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7b).

Have you taken care of your need for His blood, have you placed your faith in Him? If not, ask Him to forgive you and be your Savior. Let the power of His blood wash away the guilt of your sin. And let the rejoicing begin!

“…’Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'” Romans 10:13

*Flickr photo by Resclassic2, Creative Commons License


  1. i’m sure i’ve said it before, but i’ve got to say it again. i dread the day that a doctor tells me bad news about my parents or in-laws.

    we lived through a cancer scare, and it was horrible. i don’t want to think about something worse or prolonged.

    my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  2. Amen & Amen…nothing but the Blood of Jesus!

  3. I remember watching my listless little one ‘pink up’ after receiving live giving blood. It’s physically and spiritually a beautiful thing!

  4. You are such an awesome daughter-in-law! Thanks for the update on Don’s mom.

    Love the analogy. Thank God for sending Jesus and that His shed blood give us life.

    Thanks also for the inspiring, uplifting comments on my blog on parenting older kids. It’s encouraging to know that the fun doesn’t end. It’s just different.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. I am reading a book about Gratitude and your post reminded my of it when you said you were frustrated yet rejoiced in the news you were given.
    We need to remember to thank God for all he is doing even when we are struggling or in a storm of sorts.
    Praying God will heal your mother – in- law and thanking him that you are such a great daughter in law.
    Blessings to you –

  6. I love how you always praise and glorify God in each and every situation. Beautiful.

  7. love this post….we had a sick week in our family….
    Loved reading your blog…Have a great holiday weekend.
    I have a GREAT HOLIDAY ORNAMENT GIVEAWAY on my blog…drawing on Mon.

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