Blogging Break Calls for Grandson Photo Fun!

IMG_4808Hey everyone, I’m taking an extended Spring Break blogging break but will be back two weeks from today on March 28th. Sometimes I’m so busy over spring break that it’s much like that age old dilemma of needing a vacation to recover from vacation. So doggone it, I’m going to do it. I’m going to extend my blogging break to two weeks so I can give myself a little more leeway. Makes sense to me!

And what better to leave up my blog in the meantime than a few photos of my adorable grandsons, huh? I don’t post many pics of them here on my blog but now seems like the perfect time to do it. Spring break is for fun—and what could be more fun than twin grandsons?!

The photo above was taken on Isaiah and James’ first birthday in January. Isaiah is on the right and James is on the left. Hope you enjoy seeing our precious boys once again! See you in a couple of weeks!

IMG_4774These boys are on the move all the time now so it’s a challenge to get good photos of them anymore! :)

12509096_10153792390803232_4285918969609564987_nOur sweet Isaiah. Love him so much!

1929039_10153792391033232_4715517595459124427_nOur precious James. Love him equally as much!

IMG_5139Did I mention how busy they are? :)

IMG_4780And yes, they are even cute from behind! We are so blessed!

“From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise . . .” Psalm 8:2a

*What little ones do you love like crazy? Tell me about them!

*Photos by Kristin and me