Midweek Morsel: Winner Plus a “Poopy Life” Quote


Now that’s a blog post title you probably never expected to see here, right? Before we tackle the second half of that title, let’s address the first.

We have a “Back At It Giveaway” winner! The lucky recipient of the Barnes & Noble gift card is Debbie! Congratulations, Debbie! I’ll get your gift card in the mail today. Enjoy whatever you choose at good ole B&N. Remember, along with all their books, they usually have chocolate near the check-out :)

Now on to the second half of the post title—I have a quote for us to ponder about the poopy parts of life. That’s right, a “poopy life” quote to consider. Don’t worry, you’ll be relieved (excuse the pun, really wasn’t intentional!) to find out that it is indeed a quote worthy of thought and really quite uplifting. Here we go:

“Like an organic farmer, [God] is able to use the poopy parts of life as rich soil for growing the fruit of the Spirit in us.” Margaret Feinberg in The Organic God

When we get upset or discouraged about bad or tough things happening in our lives, let’s remember that God will use those “poopy” things to help us become more like him. What say we make it our goal to allow the Lord to shine through us even in the bad times. You in?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23a

*How have you seen God use something bad in your life to help you grow in the fruit of the Spirit?

*Flickr photo by Daniele Nicolucci photography, Creative Commons License

Trust In Him

IMG_2626Poetry, like music, can minister to weary or hurting hearts, and every now and then the Lord puts it on my heart to write a poem for someone going through a heartbreaking or agonizing time. I’m always thankful to be able to offer a bit of comfort in this way.

I wrote the first variation of the poem below for some friends many years ago. It flowed from my own experience of a dark and difficult time. I pray that it will encourage and strengthen someone in a special way today and remind all of us that we can always “Trust in Him”.

Trust In Him

When times of crisis come your way
You know you can trust in Him,
When the burden is more
Than you can bear,
Continue to trust in Him.
When you don’t understand
All that is happening to you,
You know He does—
Trust in Him.
When you feel like the joy
Has gone out of your life,
He still wants you to trust in Him.
And when you finally feel
Like God has forgotten you,
He’ll show you He hasn’t—
Trust in Him.
Then one day
When you look back on this time,
You’ll be glad you trusted in Him.

“Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal.” Isaiah 26:4

*When have you looked back and been glad that you trusted in God?

*My photo