A Spring Poem: Morning Symphony

Morning Symphony

Much is reborn in spring,
Among them the morning symphony.
Nature’s music long muffled
By cold days and closed windows
Now greets me with gladness again.

The sweetness of the birds’ songs
Sends my spirit soaring,
Those pure, clear notes that nature sings
Point me to the Creator
To the grand Conductor
Of the magnificent morning symphony.

The cheep-cheep-cheep, the caw, the coo
The sliding chords and yodels
Take their turns with who-whoo-whoos
And leave me marveling at the glory.

Other sounds add different layers
Add interludes and accents,
A dog’s frenzied barking, a chattering squirrel
A train whistling in the distance
All keep me guessing what more
The masterpiece holds this morning.

And then soon I hear
The flutter of wings
A bird whooshing by overhead,
Next chiming church bells create a chorus
To which I’m compelled to add my voice.

No two days exactly the same
New music unfolds with each sunrise,
The morning symphony no longer muffled,
The voice of God,
A life-giving melody
Renews and inspires my spirit.
Yes, much is reborn in spring.

“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.”
Psalm 40:3 NIV

*What do you like best about spring?

*The current issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter with a giveaway in every regularly scheduled issue, came out today. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is FREE. *Temporary problem with Life Notes sign-up. To sign up, just contact me.

*For info about my book Mother of the Bride and also my Wedding Inspiration cards, check out my Books/My Work page.

*Flickr photo by Jacob McGinnisCreative Commons License

7 Free or Inexpensive Ways to Relax and Refresh

23530319910_151534d002_zAnyone feel the need for some relaxation and refreshment? Did I just see everyone’s hands shoot up? That’s not surprising. When dealing with even the ordinary stresses and demands of everyday living, we all reach a point when we need to step back and recharge.

Here are some simple—some free or inexpensive—ways we can relax and refresh in our day to day lives. Some of these will be things we just need a reminder of while others may be ways to renew that we hadn’t really thought of before. I hope you find several tips to try soon!

1. Change your environment. Go for a walk or a drive. Get out of the house or your office. Breaking free for a few minutes can give an immediate boost.

2. Unwind with your favorite hot drink. Go to a comfy spot and sit and sip in peace until every last drop is gone. No multitasking allowed. Just relax.

3. Take a leisurely walk down memory lane. Pull out some old photo albums or look through your photos and home videos on your computer or phone and enjoy those memories you’ve captured. Smile, laugh, sigh in nostalgia.

4. Snatch a nap. That’s right, an old-fashioned nap. Whether it’s a 15-30 minute power nap on a busy day or a more relaxed nap on a Sunday afternoon, catching a little extra rest is a luxury we can all afford, one we all deserve.

5. Soak up some nature. Enjoying the beauty of a sunset or flowers in bloom (or you fill in the blank) can refresh like nothing else. The glory of God’s creation has such a soothing power, doesn’t it?

6. Catch up on conversation with a loved one. Take time for a good catch-up session with a friend or family member. Share news, pour out worries, laugh at memories or at life’s latest funny turn of events. Let love refresh your spirit.

7. Spend some private moments with God. You might just want to be quiet in his presence or perhaps worship him in song. As in the tip above, you can pour out your worries or you might want to spend your time thanking him. Let the love of the Lord renew you for another day.

Now the question is will we take time to relax and refresh? Let’s make a point of taking time for personal renewal regularly. It can make all the difference, can’t it?

“‘in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.’” Exodus 31:17b NIV

*What are some other free or inexpensive ways to relax and refresh?

*Don’t miss out on the One-More-Chance Starbucks Giveaway. Deadline to enter is Feb. 10th!

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out tomorrow. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by K.H. Reichert, Creative Commons License