Beauty and Blessings on the Way to a Goal Achieved


When we’re trying to achieve a challenging goal, we may find the climb especially difficult. We may grow weary and wonder if we can hold out to see the view from the top, from the vantage point of a goal achieved. We may feel sorely tempted to give up.

But I’ve got good news. Good news that can help keep us pushing onward.

We don’t have to wait until we achieve the goal to experience the joy of the journey. If we take time to look, we can find beauty and blessings along the way.

This summer on our trip to Colorado, my sisters and I got a reminder of this truth when we decided to take the hike to the top of the mountain at Hoosier Pass on the Continental Divide. The information we had about the hike made it sound fairly easy, but we got more than we bargained for. The altitude along with the steady and sometimes steep climb had us huffing and puffing and wondering if we’d be able to achieve our goal after all.

I’m happy to report we did indeed reach the top, but we also stopped frequently along the way to catch our breath and soak in the beauty of the natural wonders around us. The mountainside dotted with the reds, yellows, purples, whites, and blues of happy little wildflowers. The majestic snow-covered peaks in the distance. The winding river and reservoir in the valley below. Each one a blessing along the difficult way to our goal achieved.

If any of us find ourselves on a difficult or painful journey today, let’s keep our eyes open for the joys that can be ours when we stop and look for them. Let’s take frequent breathers when we need them. Let’s allow the wonders we see to recharge us for the rest of the journey. Let’s enjoy the beauty and blessings along the way.

“. . . the LORD’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trust in him.” Psalm 32:10b

*What beauty or blessings have been yours on a difficult road?

*My photo

Climbing Towards a Goal


“With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.” Psalm 18:29

I’ve been on the climb the past few years—scaling the wall toward traditional book publication. I’m not there yet, but I’m closer to having a shot than when I first started working towards my goal.

Thank goodness, I’m not making the climb on my own. God is scaling the wall with me. He’s providing guidance, the ideas and skill I need, and the strength to persevere as well as helping me connect with others in the writing world. He’s also blessed me with the support of family and friends.

I’ve had to put in the work, though. I’ve spent untold hours working to become a better writer. I’ve invested money in going to writers conferences where I can continue to learn and network. I’ve plunged into unfamiliar waters, taking steps to build my platform to reach readers. Yep, I’ve had to do the work.

Each step I’ve taken has been a step up the wall. I started my blog several years ago. Step. Joined the FCW writers group. Step. Attended my first writers conference. Step. Started publishing Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter. Step. Joined Facebook a few years ago and then just recently started my Cheryl Barker, Writer page there, too . Step, step. Became part of the FCW online critique group. Step. Launched my new website, started the Mother of the Bride Blog, and joined Pinterest all in one fell swoop. Step, step, step.

Believe it or not, these are just a few of the steps I’ve taken. And, of course, during it all, I’ve been writing. I’ve been submitting pieces for publication. And I won’t lie—it takes a lot of perseverance. I’ve experienced a lot of rejection. But the Lord has also rewarded my efforts with publication at times.

I’ve relied on God’s help and direction each step of the way. He has graciously provided technical help, instruction, and encouragement through other people just when I needed it. No doubt about it, book publication is definitely a wall I could not scale on my own.

Are you scaling a wall right now? Or does a wall loom in front of you that needs to be scaled? I hope you can learn from my climb. Put in the work, but don’t try to do it on your own. Take it a step at a time. Be patient and persistent. And most of all, rely on God. He will provide all you need.

“I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

*What wall has God helped you scale? 

*Flickr photo by why 137 (slow!)