Archives for March 2014

Let Others Serve the Way God Intends

Engleman Aster and butterfly“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body . . . We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.” Romans 12:4-8

Do you ever feel like you’re being hindered from fully using the spiritual gift or gifts God has given you? Or maybe you feel like you’re being pressured to serve within the church—within the body of Christ—in a way you’re not gifted for? This can happen in your local church body or in the larger family of believers—maybe even including your own personal family or friends.

The verses above are from a well-known passage that exhorts us as believers to use the gifts God has given us. They teach us to fulfill our role in the body by serving God and others with the abilities God has individually equipped us with. For the body to function well, we each need to do what God intends.

When I read this passage not long ago, I saw it in a slightly different light as well. This time I saw how we are to allow others—to let others—use their specific gifts. If a brother or sister in Christ has the gift of teaching, we should let him teach. If his gift is giving, we should let him give generously, if encouraging, let him encourage, and so on.

What a wonderful reminder to allow others to be the individuals God designed them to be. We should not hold one another back from fully expressing and carrying out our God-given gifts.

For example, my husband Don has the gift of giving, and I have a tendency to apply the brakes at times. I know part of my role as his wife may be to help provide a voice of balance, but I also need to be ready to let him give and give generously. I need to let him use the spiritual gift God has given him.

Not only should we allow others to use their uniquely God-given gifts, we must also be careful not to try force them into roles not intended for them. This will lead to frustration for all concerned. It will also keep a person who is gifted for the role from serving because the position is filled.  In addition, we must remember that just because a program or ministry is important to us, it doesn’t mean that everyone else should be passionately committed to it. We all have different roles—which may, in fact, even last only for a season.

Let’s ask ourselves if there is someone in our lives we need to give the grace of freedom to. Someone we need to let be the person God’s gifted him to be, to do the thing He’s called him to do. Let’s let others serve the way God intends.

“If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?” 1 Corinthians 12:17

*How has God gifted you?

*My phot0

Savings Tip for Bridal and Bridesmaids Bouquets


Mother of the Bride, are you interested in saving a little money on the floral expense for your daughter’s wedding?

Silly question, right? Every MOB is interested in saving money. I heard a great tip about wedding flowers recently while watching Wedding Wednesdays on Katie so I wanted to be sure to share it with you here.

See if your daughter would be willing to select flowers with large blooms for the bridesmaids bouquets and possibly even her own. Large blooms means less flowers needed overall for the bouquets. And less flowers needed means less expense. And of course, less expense means welcome relief for the parents of the bride!

I realize the bride-to-be may have her heart set on particular flowers already, but if not, suggesting those with large blooms is a terrific idea. Like the gerber daisies pictured above, large-bloomed flowers can make beautiful bouquets. Peonies, dahlias, hydrangeas, and sunflowers are also some other great options.

So go on, MOB, suggest away—and have fun saving a little money! :)

*You might like to read this piece by Anne Chertoff that features lots of great ideas for saving money on the wedding flowers. 

*Flickr Photo by shelleyelizabeth, Creative Commons License

Midweek Morsel: A Missed Opportunity’s Blessing

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From time to time, I’ve been known to break one of the cardinal rules of any self-respecting photo-taking enthusiast—keep your camera battery charged at all times. None of us wants to be caught with a dead camera when a photo opp presents itself, but alas, I’ve found myself in that very position at times.

I’ve reached for my camera to try to capture a photo of a neat backyard bird sighting and have immediately discovered my oversight. Darn. Dad-gum-it. I failed to charge the battery during the night. And then I proceed to mentally kick myself until I see that that’s not going to change a thing.

But you know what? In the midst of one of my missed photo opportunities, I realized a different kind of blessing awaited. Since I wasn’t busy snapping photos of the birds, I had the chance to simply watch them. Instead of focusing on taking photos, I fully savored the moment and reveled in the beauty of the scene.

So next time we mess up and miss an opportunity, let’s remember to look for a different blessing that might be right in front of us. Let’s take advantage of the new opportunity.

“Be joyful always . . . give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18

*When have you discovered a different kind of blessing in the midst of a missed opportunity?

*My photo

Bridal Portrait Idea: A Mirror Shot


Mother of the Bride, I love the bridal portrait mirror shot above for several reasons. First—and foremost—the bride is my beautiful daughter Kelli. Second, I love how the mirror affords two gorgeous views of the bridal gown. And third, the old-fashioned room and furnishings add such character to the photo and makes this shot especially unique.

A mirror shot can do magic during your daughter’s bridal portrait photo session, too. Not only will you get the various shots of the gown, but the setting the picture is taken in will make your daughter’s portrait different than the mirror shot taken of my daughter. It’s hard to beat a unique and creative shot of such a special time in your daughter’s life.

You can add an extra twist to the shot as shown above if the photographer takes a shot of your daughter looking into the mirror. All kinds of possibilities come to mind of the emotions he might capture in her face with a little prompting—things like imagine the moment you first see your groom on your wedding day or what will your moments together at your unity candle be like during the ceremony or how will you look when the minister presents you to your friends and family for the first time as Mr. and Mrs.?

Share this idea with your daughter, MOB, and then, of course, have a tissue on hand when you view her bridal portraits photos for the first time. You’ll be blown away by her beauty—and overwhelmed with feelings of love.

*Also suggest this Waiting for the Groom shot. You might also like to take a look at my Wedding Photography Pinterest board

*Photo by Will Flowers

Wedding Shoes Trend: Color Is In!


Mother of the Bride, don’t faint if your daughter announces she wants to wear red or blue or purple shoes with her bridal gown. That’s right, color for wedding shoes is in.

All you need to do is search wedding/bridal topics on Pinterest for a minute or two, and you’ll see right away that brides are popping with color—on their feet! What a fun addition to the wedding wardrobe!

Not only will Pinterest prove the current color-trend in wedding shoes, but I heard it confirmed by Randy Fenoli of “Say Yes to the Dress” on one of Katie’s Wedding Wednesday shows in February. And if Katie gives the go-ahead, it’s got to be okay, right? :)

In addition to the super-fun touch that colorful shoes will provide, your daughter will also end up with some great photos plus a pair of shoes that she can wear long after the wedding is over. You can’t argue with that kind of common sense, can you?

So MOB, toss traditional thinking aside if your daughter wants to jazz up her look on Wedding Day. Let her color it up—her something blue just might be her shoes!

*See my Bridal Accessories Pinterest board for more ideas!

*Flickr photo by Sweet Carolina Photography, Creative Commons License