Midweek Morsel: A Father’s Day Message to Dads

IMG_1712Hey friends, I have a poem for you today that you can share with the fathers in your lives. My dad is pictured above with my sisters and me, and though he’d be the first to admit he’s made mistakes, his life is a picture of love. May the dads in your lives be pictures of love as well!

Pictures of His Love

Dads, your lives are pictures to us
Of our loving heavenly Father,
So many of his characteristics
Are mirrored in the way you live.
Your love for us is without condition
You love us just because we’re yours,
You’re always ready to offer help
You’d protect us with your very lives.
We can always come to you for wisdom
We’re strengthened when you’re by our sides,
We’re continually amazed at your generous spirits
At your forgiveness and support.
And just like our Heavenly Father
You’ve given us discipline when we needed it,
Words of warning and sometimes rebuke,
Words to challenge and inspire us.
Now Dads, we know you’re just mere men
We know you make mistakes,
But you have succeeded in showing us
How great is the love of the Father!

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us…” 1 John 3:1 NIV

*How has a father figure in your life been a picture of love to you?

*Photo by family member