“For You and Your Friend” Valentine’s Day Giveaway!


Since Valentine’s Day is just a couple of weeks away and since we all love to give gifts to those we love, how about a giveaway with double the prize—one gift for you and another to give to a friend! Always fun to surprise someone with a little unexpected treat, isn’t it?

The winner of “For You and Your Friend” Valentine’s Day Giveaway will receive two bars of Peppermint Mocha Delight from Beigetone Soaps. Beigetone Soaps is owned and operated by Nancy Douglas, one of my fellow blogger and writer friends, and features handcrafted soaps “made from natural and gentle ingredients your skin will love.”

To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on this post by 6 p.m. Wednesday, February 12th. If I don’t know you personally or cannot contact you via your website or blog, be sure to include your email address (such as cheryl at cherylbarker dot net). It’s not required for the giveaway, but to make it more fun, pop over to Nancy’s shop on Etsy, take a look at the different varieties of soap she offers, and then tell me in your comment which one sounds the most intriguing to you.

In future giveaways, I’ll continue to feature and give away some of the fantastic products that some of my very own readers offer. Nancy only recently started Beigetone Soaps so I’m delighted to share the news of her new business with all of you. Be sure to like her Beigetone Soaps Facebook page so you can keep up with the new products she releases as well as special promotions. By the way, the soap is creamy, luscious, and lasts a long time!

God has gifted all of us in amazing ways. Can’t wait to feature more of you in the years ahead!

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out next week. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Photo by Beigetone Soaps


  1. Lyndsey Henry says

    Sounds great!

  2. Jennifer Dougan says

    Hi Cheryl,

    What fun scents and soaps. Yes, enter me, please. :)

    Hey, may I have a forwarded version of your lifenotes, please, since I’m featured in it? Like the extra copies of a magazine they give you when your article is in one. :)

    Thanks for your comment on my post “To the Peach Pie God,” Cheryl. The ache is better now. I needed some days to process it. While I imagine it will resurface at times, I am feeling so much more peace, knowing that God is in control.

    Jennifer Dougan

    • Jennifer, I’m glad to hear God is giving you peace with the change you guys are going through. And yes, I will make sure you get a copy of Life Notes — I appreciate you contributing to it! :) By the way, you can receive Life Notes free and automatically by signing up for it on the right sidebar under the Free for You section. I would love to have you as a regular subscriber! :)

  3. Debbie Henry says

    Would love to sample Nancy’s soap. You may not know this but I’m a soap snob. :)

  4. I’ve been wanting to find soaps that are more natural with less chemicals. Oh good heavens, I must try the sweet almond and the vanilla bean!!

  5. Rayray Cartucci says

    all the soaps at the shop sound delicious. I’m afraid I would taste it if I won. HA! I think the toasted coconut sounds yummy…I mean nice. Thanks so much. Would love to win some soap pretties. rachelcartucci@gmail.com

  6. Monica Henry says

    Count me in! The peppermint mocha looks intriguing, as does the vanilla and the granola bar…so many choices!

  7. Judith Robl says

    I’m intrigued by the Almond and Lemon fragrances. But then again they are two of my favorite flavors to eat as well.

  8. Carolyn Stricklsnd says

    Put me in the drawing too. Sounds great.

  9. SIgning up for the drawing, please.. On Etsy – the mango wave, toasted coconut, & lemon-lime oatmeal soaps looked amazing… Clever ideas…

  10. Phyllis Dayhoff says

    Please enter me in your drawing. All the soaps sound wonderful.

  11. Angel Burce says

    Please enter me into the giveaway the toasted coconut and almond sound like something I’d want to try today. avburce@gmail.com

  12. Kortney Lah says

    Please enter me in this giveaway! I am up to try anything new! kortneylah2013@yahoo.com

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