Archives for April 2011

Friendship Reclaimed

9220206014_177b0c6834_zIt’s happened to all of us. We’ve lost touch with a friend at one time or another. We grew up. We moved away. We changed jobs. We changed churches. Or we may have just drifted away. Unhappily, we might have even had a falling out.

Also, life is busy. And let’s face it, friendships take work — work that quite often we can’t find the time for. Effort that sometimes isn’t returned with equal interest.

Anyone have a friendship that needs to be reclaimed? Take a chance. Reach out. The reward may be rich and sweet. You’ll never know unless you try –take it from me. Here’s one of my stories:

Friendship Reclaimed

Second-hand news of an old friend’s distress
Heard amid a restaurant’s clamor,
Chance meeting with a friend in common
Renews the urge to reclaim the past.
The nagging questions come again
The ones I’ve brushed aside before,
Why haven’t we stayed in touch?
How could I let that friendship go?
It’s time now to take a step with bated breath
Time to build a bridge over the years
And hope my friend desires the same.
When first efforts seem to go unheard
A puzzled sadness settles in
Over something precious lost,
Until one day joy is renewed —
Familiar handwriting in the mail.
What seemed lost was not lost at all —
It just needed to be reclaimed.

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17

*Flickr photo by RowdyKittens, Creative Commons License

What Will I Do When a Storm Descends?

IMG_0676A potential health crisis threatened our family a few weeks ago. A cancer scare. Like storm clouds hovering overhead, thoughts of “what if” cast their shadow for days. We deliberately tried to shove them aside, but they were still there, hiding just beyond the surface.

I won’t go into specifics of who and what, but the scare did not involve an extended family member, but one within our immediate family. Yes, that’s right. It hit close. Too close. And too unthinkable — though I had to remind myself, like so many others have had to do, not to ask “Why us?” but “Why not us?”

Thank God, benign test results relieved our fears, but those days of waiting gave rise to countless thoughts, feelings, and ultimately a few overarching questions: If it proves to be cancer, what will we do with our faith in God? Will we stay faithful and continue to trust Him even if the news is devastating? Or will we pull away — and stay away — from Him, losing faith that He is good and that He loves us? In other words, will we run to Him or away from Him?

Mercifully, God spared us from having to live out the answers to those questions in full, but we tried to prepare ourselves for the worst. We remembered the truths of God’s love for us and of how He can bring something good out of a heartbreaking situation. We reminded ourselves that He would be with us every step of the way. You might say we were preparing ourselves to be faithful, preparing ourselves to trust Him, no matter the outcome.

One day a similar life test will go differently. One day we’ll have to live out the answers to these faith questions in full. Some of us reading this today have, in fact, already faced such a crisis, but even so, will we be ready for the next one? Join me today in considering, “What will I do with my faith when the unthinkable happens? What will I do when the storm descends?”

“But my eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign LORD; in you I take refuge…” Psalm 141:8a

*My photo

Quiet Time

Some people call it quiet time. Others call it devotions. Whatever you call it, I hope you’re spending time with God each day, reading His Word and drawing near to Him through prayer. I pray the following acrostic piece will encourage you to commune with the Father daily through personal quiet time with Him. It will change your life. He will change your life!

Quench your thirst for God—spend some time in His Word.

Unleash the power of the Holy Spirit and welcome His work in your life.

Invite the Lord to come and fellowship with you each day.

Enter into worship as you come into His presence.

Treasure your moments with the Savior, guarding them diligently.


Taste the goodness, the mercy, the unfailing love of our God.

Imitate all that you learn at His feet.

Meditate on the riches overflowing from His perfect, holy Word.

Enjoy a love relationship with Jesus, our living Savior.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” Psalm 34:8

*What devotional helps do you use? Where are you reading in the Word right now? This year I’m enjoying Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling and am also using Lifeway’s Journey devotional magazine for women. In the Word, I’m reading through Paul’s letters in chronological order and am currently in 2 Corinthians.

*Flickr photo by .:[ Melissa ]:. , Creative Commons License