Holiday Warmth Giveaway!

Since it’s beginning to look — and feel — a lot like Christmas, how about a fun little Holiday Warmth giveaway to kick off the season?! Most of us, except those in the southern reaches of our country, have already felt Jack Frost nipping at our noses, and some have even been treated to their first snowfall of the winter. Along with needing a little Christmas, I’d say we need a little warmth, too!

In Ecclesiastes 4:11, King Solomon asked, “…how can one keep warm alone?” His teaching of “two are better than one” (verse 9) is certainly true, but if you don’t have a friend handy, how about a $10 Starbucks gift card?! :) And since I’d like to help warm your soul as well as your body, the lucky winner will also receive a devotional book — your choice of Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado or Daily Devotions for Writers, both offering a devotion for each day of the year.

To enter for a chance to win the Starbucks card and devotional book simply leave a comment on this post by noon CST Dec. 14th and tell me what your favorite hot drink is. Make it fun and give us details — for example, not just “coffee”, but exactly what flavor or kind of coffee, etc. If I don’t know you personally, be sure to include your email address in your comment. I’ve set the deadline early enough in the month so the winner can give the gift card as a Christmas gift if he or she doesn’t happen to like coffee. And yes, there are such creatures. I am one in fact :)

So what’s my favorite hot drink? Hot chocolate made with milk and lots of chocolate and covered in mini-marshmallows. Mmmm good :) Reality is, though, because I try to watch my sugar intake, I use the no-sugar added Nesquick and limit myself to 7 or 8 mini-marshmallows. If that sounds like a lot, believe me — it’s not. They look pretty lonely floating around in my cup :) It’s just enough, though, to make the no-sugar added Nesquick a little more tasty.

Your turn now. What’s your favorite hot drink? Can’t wait to make at least one of you a little warmer! :)

“for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” Psalm 107:9

*Flickr photo by Chris_J


  1. OH, yes, my friend. Sign me up! As for my favorite hot drink . . . do you really have to ask? ;-)

    Coffee. Flavored with cinnamon. Lots of cream and sugar.

    Maybe a little whipped cream on the top.


  2. Love me a good giveaway! :o)

    I also love a good Egg Nog Latte, but alas, I am on a no-sugar, no-caffeine, no-dairy…really, no ANYthing, diet. (Nothing says “happy holidays” like a little diet restriction!) So, any trips into Starbucks these days will find me leaving with a decaf herbal tea.

    And, really, it’s still delicious. :o)

  3. I once had a gingerbread mocha from a local coffeehouse and it was soooo yummy! Maybe Starbucks has something similar I can get if I win :)

  4. I’m a coffee drinker, but to say it’s my favorite….? I love hot chocolate, but in my old age I’ve grown lactose intolerant. So coffee it is. I use decaf and add about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of almond flavoring to the grounds before I brew it. A couple of teaspoons of sugar gets added after I pour a cup.

    Try adding some almond flavoring to your hot chocolate next time you have a cup. Is there almond flavoring in heaven? I hope so!

  5. Cheryl, Dad wants to enter and his favorite hot drink is hot water but mine is hot apple cider. :)

  6. Hey everyone, I’m enjoying hearing about your favorite drinks — and picking up some ideas along the way!

    Deb, welcome to the blog! And Debbie, since when is Dad’s favorite hot drink hot water?? That’s the first time I’ve heard that! :) Guess that’s good enough for an entry into the giveaway, though :)

  7. Yeah, I am blah, too. I usually get the grande Ethiopian, no cream, no sugar. I used to be vegan, but even after I went back to dairy, I kept drinking my coffee black!

  8. As I sit hear drinking coffee, I would have to say my favorite hot drink is Hot Chocolate. I usually drink sugar free Swiss Miss, but for a splurge, I buy organic whole milk and use Govdiva hot chocolate and use 2 heaping spoonfuls.

    Maybe it will be cool enough tonight for hot chocolate. I did have to use the heater during the night.


  9. My favorite drink is definitely hot chocolate with lots of mini marshmallows! I am not a coffee drinker. Love the smell, but cannot do the taste!

  10. Woo-hoo! Thanks for letting me know about this. :) My favorite hot drink depends on my mood. I love a tall caramel macchiato, but sometimes I need a coffee that comforts more than it wakes me up. In those times I grab a vente white chocolate mocha with extra whipped cream. Aaaaaah … I’m actually headed to Starbucks later today in honor of World Aids Day. Check out my blog post for more info on that ( Thanks again, Cheryl!! Great giveaway!

  11. I forgot to give my email! Sorry. It’s on my site and profile, but this will make it easier for you if I win. :) tanyasue (at)

    I wanted to add that I also love a good hot tea. Right now Strawberry Vanilla Rose is my favorite with just a touch of sugar. Aaaaah …

  12. Hi Cheryl,

    I love giveaways, and Starbucks WITH a devotional, yummm!!! I’m in!

    I’d love to read the daily devotions for writers. If I don’t win, please e-mail me the name of the author so I can buy it!!

    My favorite hot drink is any coffee that has a peppermint/chocolate flavoring to it. You can get yummy coffee creamers that are flavored for the holidays like that. MMM, MMM, Good!


  13. Currently, the pumpkin-spice latte from Starbucks, but I’ve just tried the peppermint-mocha and love it also. I’m not a tea drinker, so rich chocolatey coffee more than suffices my need for hot!


  14. Hey Cheryl! Please consider me entered into your contest. I “love” Starbucks. Great idea.

    My favorite hot drink is General Foods Italian Cappuccino. I have one every morning. Low calorie and fat. It’s a great way to start the day.

    Thanks for the giveaway. See you soon!

  15. At Starbucks, I always get the Cafe Americano, half decaf. Yummm! The taste of espresso without the buzz of four shots (which I can’t handle). At home, I brew Starbucks, too. Half decaf there as well. And I’ve just discovered the Fat-Free Half & Half. Not sure what they put in it to give it that richness, but I’m hooked. I’d love to win a gift card and the devotional book, too.

    Thanks for the opportunity to get my name in the hat!

  16. Well I am a big fan of coffee overall..but if I am out and about and want a warm “pick me up”…its a Starbuck’s Grande Mocha, non-fat, lite whip….until the Christmas season arrives..then it becomes a Peppermint Mocha…ahhh…
    think I may have to pick one up on the way to work tomorrow!!

  17. Hershey’s Kisses Hot Chocolate. It’s a no-caffeine hot chocolate, so I can drink it at night. Then, I add Redi-Wip to it. Mmmmm….

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Except for the last few evenings, when I’ve indulged in the leftover pies, I top off my evening with the divinest of nightcaps–hot cocoa!

    First, I heat a mug of skim (fat free) milk–during Christmas season a festive one with Scotty dogs, the rest of the year my Chattanooga Writers Guild mug–in the microwave.

    Next, I mix a scant teaspoon of sugar with a heaping teaspoon of Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa.

    Then I stir into the cocoa mixture 3 teaspoons of the hot milk, until it’s smooth. I scrape it into the mug of hot milk and mix thoroughly.

    Then I sip a devilishly rich drink fit for angels! What a way to end my day.

    Do I see a Starbucks card in my future?

  20. Hi Cheryl! I found you through your comment on the olive leaf ministries blog. Nice to meet you!
    I don’t usually get to splurge on Starbucks so this prize (along with the devotional) would be quite a blessing!
    My favorite hot drink is Starbuck’s caramel macchiato, but am very content each morning with my Maxwell House with cinnamon bun or vanilla caramel coffemate!

  21. Here’s my email..sorry I left it off in my first commment

    Have a blessed day!

  22. OK, My favorite is
    Hazelnut Decaf Latté, tall please.

    I love it, I can’t seem to change, I’ve tried others and i just come back to this one for years now.


  23. I forgot to leave email…

  24. OO-oo-oo, Cheryl, what a great way to get over the cold-to-the-bonies! Okay, for me, if it’s coffee, it has to be just regular coffee with at least 2 tespoons of sugar and lots of 1/2 & 1/2. But if we’re talking specifically about Christmas treats, I love my mother-in-law’s spice tea, made with instant sweet tea with lemon, Tang, cloves, and cinnamon. YUM! YUM!

    Thanks for the give away. I hope I win…I hope I win…I hope…

    Vonda Skelton
    vondaskelton (@)

  25. Well if we’re talking Starbucks I always order the Caramel Macchiato … grande. But my favorite hot drink is Russian Tea. Thanks for reminding me, I’ll have to post the recipe on my blog. It’s a winter tradition to make a huge batch of mix and give it away to friends. Sadly, it will blow your no sugar oath though. And you must be a woman of endless strength and endurance to limit yourself to 8 mini-marshmallows. I’ve been known to eat half the bag while I’m waiting for my milk to heat up.

    I really enjoy your blog. Linked here through Momville … glad I found you!

  26. Oh yeah … my email … sorry …

  27. Mine is hot chocolate and Dave’s is coffee. I know this is not very descriptive, but I just can’t think in details this late. Carolyn

  28. What a great idea for the holiday, Cheryl!
    I like the mild roast coffees from Starbucks- breakfast blend, etc.
    But I’m an avid tea lover…
    black, green, white tea.. My current faves are the green tea/flavored with pomengrante & green tea/with honey, lemon, ginseng. Lipton tea makes both of these & so does Celestial Seasoning Teas. Both brands are excellent.
    My all time go to drink is a vanilla chai tea latte– yummy!
    I make my own at home with chai tea bags- warm up some lowfat milk- add some Splenda for sweetness & tsp or so of vanilla extract. Can use vanilla powder, instead- I think they used to sell that at coffee places. Could also use the sugar-free vanilla syrups you can find in stores. Wonderful if you love a spicy drink plus you get some good nutrients. I even got my sisters hooked on this- when I made some up at home..
    Great idea for the blog, always love a good giveaway….- got some great ideas from here. Thanks to all.

  29. Blessings again Cheryl…This sounds like a wonderful give away!
    For me the Star Bucks isn’t the best part but the devotionals! Especially the one that you contributed to but I love Max Lucado!!

    I’ve never been a coffee drinker and if you can believe it, never been to a Star Bucks for just that reason. But with all these flavors I’ve thought about starting.

    Anyways, my favorite is hot chocolate with marshmellows like you but I need to put whipped cream…or ice cream in it. I use to love back in Minnesota, hot cocoa made with milk and Nestles powder mix. In Mexico, they have a chocolate La Abuelita. I don’t make it…it’s rich chocolate. I have to buy the boxed packaged envelopes and mix with water because I do not really like their milk & now am lactose intolerant. So often, I drink “hot tea” just Lipton…I’ve tried herbals & flavors but regular tea with sugar and lemon do the best.(Had to watch out for allergies with the herbals)! Oh well.

    Thank you for creating such a warm
    atmosphere for the holidays!!! I loved the tie in…with King Solomon’s verse in Ecc. 4:11(&9).
    How clever! You can see your gift of writing just like Elaine’s. Both of you are very gifted with words!

  30. Coffee, coffee, coffee!! Any my favorite for this time of year is Moose Munch from Harry and David’s. Yum, yum!!

    What a great contest!!


    I’m not sure if you have my addy or not–

  31. Not a coffee drinker, as you know. The smell of certain flavored coffees sometimes give me a headache these days, bummer.

    Seems to be quite a trend here but my favorite warming drink is hot chocolate! I hope to partake in some at Silver Dollar City tomorrow evening to do just that! Starbucks makes a great hot cocoa. I also love their teas. Yum!

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  32. Hi Cheryl, This is from Aunt N.. I have read all the fun and “exotic” sounding coffees your friends love, and am feeling a little “old fashoned”; but our favorite hot beverage in Swiss Miss Milk Chocolate. It is a bargain at Walmart stores with a 10 pack costing only $1.00.(higher at other grocers)I buy the “no sugar” when one daughter visits.
    We like it better than hot chocolate made from “scratch”. Just add boiling water. I always enjoy your writing!

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