Single Bloom Bridal Bouquets


Mother of the Bride, has your daughter discovered yet how many options are out there for her bridal bouquet? If so, she may actually be a little overwhelmed with the prospect of making a choice. Sometimes having to make one more choice is what pushes a stretched-to-thin bride-to-be from bridal bliss into full-blown bridal panic.

If your daughter would appreciate the ease of a less complicated bridal bouquet decision, try suggesting a single bloom bouquet. Of course, the single bloom will need to be a large bloom to give the illusion of a bouquet rather than just one flower.

Here are some large bloom options: She could go with a dahlia (like pictured above), but other large bloom flowers include peonies, magnolias, alliums, hydrangea, proteas, and sunflowers. Have her take a look at this Single Flower Bouquet page on Pinterest to see if one strikes her bridal fancy.

And by the way, MOB, one other advantage to a single bloom bouquet is a less expensive price. The groom and/or his parents will thank you for that. Looks like it could be a win-win for everyone!

*You might also like to read Bridal Bouquet: Classic and Elegant Calla Lilies , White or Cream Bridal Bouquet: Add a Touch of Color, Bridal Bouquet and Boutonniere Sheet Music Idea, and Inexpensive Bridal Bouquet Idea: Baby’s Breath!

Photo credit: Flower Factor via Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC

Midweek Morsel: How Big Is Your God?

Teewinot 2

*I’ll be taking a blogging break next week for Thanksgiving. What are some of the best blessings God has given you this year? I’m especially thankful for God’s gift of our twin grandsons, for my husband’s back healing well enough so he could go back to work early this year, and also for God blessing me with a book contract in August.  I hope you all have a wonderful week celebrating Thanksgiving with your families. See you November 30th!

Sometimes we need a reminder of how big God is. We need to remember that his love and faithfulness can’t be measured—and that they never fail. We need to hear once again that his justice and love and protection are for one and all. Yes, sometimes we need a reminder of just how big our God really is.

And so, my friends, be blessed by this reminder from God’s Word today:

“Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens,
     your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
    your justice like the great deep.
O, LORD, you preserve both man and beast.
    How priceless is your unfailing love!
Both high and low among men
    take refuge in the shadow of your wings.”
                                                             Psalm 36:5-7

*When have you taken refuge in the bigness of our God?

*My photo (taken in Grand Teton National Park)