Holding On To Faith


When tragedy strikes or disappointment pays us repeated visits, when waiting is our portion and seems to have no end, what happens to our faith in God then?

Do we crack under the pressure of a painful trial and turn away from God or do we lift our eyes once more to him? Are we faithful to declare our trust again, even though our hearts are bruised and battered?

Sometimes continuing to trust and believe is a struggle—sometimes all we can do is hold on by our fingertips. We all face times—and if we haven’t yet, we someday will—when our hurt and disappointment are so great that hanging on to our faith becomes a sheer act of will. We don’t feel like believing, but we choose to believe God anyway. Based on the truth of his Word and his past faithfulness, we choose to hold on to our faith in him.

Our daughter and son-in-law have had their faith tested again and again the past several years as they’ve endured what seems to be an unending wait to become parents. They’ve chosen—and we’ve chosen, too, as we hurt along with them—to hold on to our faith, to continue to trust God and his perfect plan. Time and again, we’ve all had to ask do we trust God 100 percent?

Is your faith being tested now? Are you feeling bruised and battered? If you’re at a painful crossroads and trying to decide whether to walk away or lift your eyes and heart to God again, I pray that he will give you the strength to choose faith again. I pray that you will trust him 100 percent. He hurts with you. He waits with you. He’ll carry you through.

“. . . let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.” Hebrews 4:14b

*How has God carried you through when you’ve chosen to trust in him?

*Flickr Photo by Joseph Ma. Rosell, Creative Commons License


  1. beautiful!!! Will keep praying for your kids too. <3

  2. Jennifer Dougan says


    I’m sorry for this infertility time your son and his wife are going through. I have friends and family who have agonized that road for years. Some of them have seen God grow their family through adoption instead, others’ stories are different. May your son and his wife be comforted, encouraged, and upheld as they go through this. I’m so sorry for their pain, and yours as well…

    Jennifer Dougan

    • Thanks so much for your words of comfort and encouragement, Jennifer. Very much appreciated. By the way, this is one of our daughters and sons-in-law. We don’t have a son — but we do have two great sons-in-law! :)

  3. This is a terrible grief to carry, friend. Yes, it’s sometimes hard to hold on to faith in times of uncertainty. And yet, we walk on and we pray for God’s sustaining grace and for the sun to rise in the morning. It will. I’ll continue to pray.

  4. wf36pp

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