Midweek Morsel: "In the Meantime" Prayer


Father, some waits are so very long. During such times, it’s easy to grow discouraged or give up altogether. As dear ones I know continue to wait for your answer to their prayers, please sustain them in the meantime.

Show them your love, Father. Give them special touches and reassure them that you know precisely where they are and exactly how they feel. Grant them the grace and strength they need to wait on your timing and help them to keep their eyes on you. Carry them, dear Lord—carry them through!

Hear my voice when I call, O LORD; be merciful to me and answer me.” Psalm 27:7

*How has God ministered to you during an “in the meantime” period in your life?

*Our daughter Kristin and her husband Shawn are still waiting for news of a baby to adopt. Your prayers would be very much appreciated!

*Flickr photo by kelsey_lovefusionphoto

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out in early February. Sign-up is free and to the right!


  1. I’m praying for them!!!

  2. Praying right now, Cheryl!

  3. Thank you Emily and Vonda! So much appreciated!

  4. Praying they will hear some good news soon.
    To answer your question – God has given me small answers and guidance in the meantime of the bigger request. I know he is there and I am working on being patient and waiting for his perfect timing. Not an easy task but he has given me great prayer warrior friends to get through these times.

  5. Nancy Douglas says

    God sustained abundantly as we waited for cancer surgery. It was a wonderful time of intimacy with Him.
    Sweet and thought provoking post.

  6. Thank you, Nanette and Nancy. What great testimonies of how God has sustained you. He loves us so much, doesn’t He?

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