June Tune

Believe it or not, it’s time to flip our calendars to June and forge ahead once more into a new month. As I say goodbye to one month and hello to another, I always like to take a quick survey of the days to come and see what the new month will hold for me, work-wise as well as personally.

Anyone else try to get a handle on the new month that way? If you haven’t looked over your June yet, take a minute to think about it. What does June hold for you so far?

Since looking at a new month can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming, let’s lighten up this looking-ahead exercise with a little fun. Let’s put a tune to the month of June!

So here’s the question today: If you had to pick a song that might describe your upcoming month, what would it be?

My husband Don just kicked off the most demanding month of his work-year so his June Tune will undoubtedly be “Chain Gang” :) And since he will be wrapped up in work, I plan to be hard at work with my writing, too — but with not as much pressure as he’s facing. I’m hoping my June Tune might be “Whistle While You Work”. But, since writing can be downright agonizing at times, it might sound more like something the classic jazz/rock group Blood, Sweat & Tears might sing :)

How about you? What will your June Tune be? Whether our tunes are happy or sad, hopefully we’ll let them all play side by side with a June Tune inspired by our praise and worship of the One who walks through each and every month with us. The One who truly has a handle on our days.

Won’t you join me? Along with whatever else is playing in our lives, let’s also “Shout to the Lord” as we journey through June!

“He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him.” Psalm 40:3

*Flickr photo by join the dots, Creative Commons License


  1. Every month, for my ADD self, is Flight of the Bumblebee. June especially. My kids go off to two different camps this month.

  2. June will be a wonder as long as we remember everyday is a precious gift.

  3. “School’s Out for the Summer” by Alice Cooper (don’t really like the song, but like the man he’s become). And I’m feeling the “heat” of it all. Too much hustle and bustle for my liking!

    Thank you for your encouragement today and for being a solid source of faith in my life!


  4. Mine would definitely be “Can’t Help Falling In Love With You” by Elvis Presley (from his movie “Blue Hawaii”)!! Our 39th wedding anniversary is in 2 more days & with all that’s been going on in our lives lately, just getting to this special day has been quite an achievement for us & for me personally, another reminder of God’s faithfulness!! (Now, please, God, can we make it to 40???) And I suppose I would also have to say that with the beginning of June & continuing on through all of July, we have more family birthdays, anniversaries, & other special events than all the other months combined!! So maybe the “Happy Birthday” song, too??? Expensive time yet worth every single bit to rejoice with each other over past memories, make precious new ones together, & dream of future ones to come!!

  5. Gosh. I’m not sure which song to pick, but I like Flea’s Flight of the Bumblebee idea, because that is certainly how I feel at the end of the school year!

    P.S. Shout to the Lord is one of my favorites!

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