Guest Blogger: Renae Brumbaugh

Sometimes things just have to be shared. And Renae Brumbaugh’s recent Coffee Talk post is one of them. Her message may not be a popular one in our nation today, but it’s one I agree with and would like to pass along to you. I first met Renae through the blogging world and then had the blessing of meeting her in person at the North Texas Christian Writers conference. I encourage you to check out her main site, Morning Coffee, as well. I hope you find her following piece good food for thought. I did. (Thanks for sharing, Renae!)

Freedom of Speech

Did you know that in some parts of the world, people are thrown in jail, or even executed, for speaking against their leaders? Yes, of course you knew that. Silly question. And I am so glad that I live in a country where freedom of speech is encouraged.


But honestly, I think we cross the line, way too often.

I get tired of people complaining about, and speaking against our president. We think that any time is open season on whoever holds that office, and we bad mouth and we slander and we call him a fool, and we say he is the worst president ever.

If a Republican holds the office, many Democrats do everything possible to make him look foolish.

If a Democrat holds the office, many Republicans do the same.

Then, our words are broadcast all over the world.

And we have the audacity to say that our president has made us look bad, in the world’s eyes. Now, I don’t often get up on a political soapbox. But come on, people. Our president doesn’t make us look bad. We do a pretty good job of that, all by ourselves.

The reason many countries take it so seriously when citizens speak against their leaders is because it shows a lack of patriotism, a lack of pride in one’s country. It undermines what that particular leader is trying to do, and it makes the entire country look bad.

I don’t think that we should be a bunch of mindless, fear-driven robots spouting the praises of our leaders. But I do think that, out of love for our country, out of patriotism, and out of a respect for the highest office in our land, we should be required to exercise some self control. We ought not be allowed to undermine our president’s credibility in the eyes of the world. In my humble opinion, that is downright treason.

With a little self-control coupled with a little pride in our nation’s heritage, we can learn to express our opinions in respectful ways. We can show support for our president, and pray for him, and honor his office, even if we don’t agree with all of his policies.

For example, there is nothing disrespectful about saying, “I disagree with so-and-so’s economic plan, or his foreign policies, or his views about Roe vs. Wade.” But it is just plain wrong to call our leader names and accuse him of being a rotten leader. After all, we’re the ones who put him there. And even if he isn’t our preferred candidate, I refuse to believe that anyone who makes it to that office is unqualified. To the contrary. If he had the fortitude and the perseverance and the desire to be president, and he rallied enough support to put him in the oval office, I think that journey alone separates him from the rest of the yahoos out there who do little but sit on their sofas and criticize.

Yes, I called them yahoos. But they are not my president.

So here, in black and white, for the whole world to read, I’d like to get one thing straight. I think George W. Bush has served his country well during one of the most difficult periods our country has seen. He has made difficult choices, choices that I would not have been able to make, for I would have buckled under the pressure. Every choice he made, every direction he took has been out of the greatest sense of duty and love for country. I am proud to have had him as my president for the last eight years. Mr. President, thank you for the sacrifices you have made, the stresses you have endured, and the criticisms you have ignored. May God bless you.

And no matter who wins this next election, I will be a proud American. I will respect the office of president, and I will pray for and support the office, even if I disagree with the person. I will show that person the honor that is deserving of the title.

Thank you, dear readers, for allowing me to exercise my freedom of speech here. May God bless America.

1 Timothy 2:1 – 3 “I urge then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior.”


  1. You have just proven that you are a better woman than I am, Renae.
    Thanks for sharing your heart and opinions. Your points are well taken.
    I stand convicted that I don’t pray enough for the leaders of this country.
    The office does deserve our respect. And we should never denigrate personally those in leadership.
    But we do have the right and responsibility to question, not judge, the motives of those in higher office.
    To evaluate all the information we are given and to protest when we believe our leaders have gotten off track.
    What a great country we live in!

  2. Amen!

  3. Well said. I love Renae’s thoughts. Honestly, I am too exhausted to write my own at this point. I just want it all to be over with.

    God make us grateful for the privilege we’ve been given to live in this great country.


  4. Thanks, Cheryl, for having me as a guest here! I am so honored. And thanks Judi, Abbasgirl, and Elaine for your comments. I hope to see each of you around cyberspace!

  5. Amen sister. I agree wholeheartedly!

  6. This is GREAT! I totally agree with every word. Glad I stopped by,


  7. cheryl…
    I hate to disagree with you or Renae Brumbaugh, but after having lived in 3 different countries for over a total of 15 years, I can in this present situation say without hesitation that BUSH, and his administration HAS INDEED, signle-handedly tarnished the ideals of America, and the Christian faith.

    Yes, we should be careful to pr for our leaders, and trust me…I do! But to continue to blindly, and ethnocentric based defense of the Bush policies is to further demean the truth of a Biblical, Jesus-focused faith.

  8. Hey readers, thanks to all for offering your thoughts about Renae’s post. Each comment is appreciated.

    Anonymous, thanks for offering an opinion that sees things from a different perspective and through a different lens. I realize the rest of the world sees Pres. Bush differently than many of us do in this country. In fact, many in our country see him in different lights, too.

    I’m not sure I can speak for Renae, but as for me, more than anything this post was about supporting and respecting the office of the president and offering thanks to a man who has withstood pressure and made sacrifices none of us can begin to comprehend. I’m sure he’s made mistakes, but who wouldn’t in the same situation? He has steadfastly spoken of his faith and has appeared to be a man of prayer. As his sister in Christ, I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that he has attempted to do what he has felt was right at the time.

    (By the way, I don’t pretend to be an expert on politics or even fully know or understand all of the policies of Pres. Bush’s administration. I just know it’s easy for everyone to throw stones when they’re looking for someone to blame — especially when he is on the way out.)

  9. Wow, Renae has said exactly what I feel about all the slamming the President has received. I, too, think it very unfair to blame him ( or any other elected president) for everything bad that happens. I feel really bad that he is not paid the respect due our country’s leader. And , yes, I too blame all the “yahoos” for destroying our reputation as a great country, not one single man. I wish President Bush could see what you wrote Renae. It would “make his day”. You sound lke a very intelligent young woman!

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