Summer Photo Fun Continues: Dessert-Fest!

I’m not sure what comes over us, but when my girls and I get together, we go dessert crazy. We love to have fun when we’re together, and part of that fun is spelled C-h-o-c-o-l-a-t-e! And if we’re forced to branch out, any S-W-E-E-T will do :)

My visit to my daughter Kristin’s a couple of months ago turned into a regular dessert-fest. One evening we settled for some Breyer’s ice cream with some of my homemade brownies, but the next couple of evenings we went all out—two large gelatos (Butterfinger and Belgian Chocolate) from a neat little Italian place there in Little Rock and then cupcakes from a yummy speciality shop. The cupcake flavor? Chocolate, of course :)

The photo above shows how proper we can be with our forays into dessert splurges, but the photo below comes closer to capturing our true selves :) Hope you enjoy this peek into my chocolate weakness. I didn’t think Summer Photo Fun would be complete without it :)

“A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul . . .” Proverbs 13:19a

*Time to fess up. Do you have a chocolate weakness, too?

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out in August. Sign up is free and to the right!


  1. You all have some thin genes in your family. I can’t eat this kind of stuff and not gain 10 lbs. I sure do love it though.

    I look forward to the day when my daughter and I can just have some silly big girl fun together!


  2. Thanks to my Mom’s “need-to-have dessert” gene, while on our trip to NYC, I planned for us to visit 2 speciality chocolate shops, the M&M’s World store, ordered the Mississippi Mud Pie at Cafe Lalo, and got chocolate gelato twice. (I also threw in some apple pie, a spice muffin and cinnamon apple crepe!) Sweets are one of my favorite things in life! I’ll just keep taking cinnamon tablets to help regulate my blood sugar :)

  3. Elaine, we give up eating other food at times so we can eat our sweets! :)

    All I can say, Kristin, is “that’s my girl!” :)

  4. Oh, I am all about Dessert Fest! I tend to travel from cafe to cafe in search of sweets when I travel, so based on Kristin’s description of the NYC trip, we’d get along just fine!

  5. Weakness, shmeakness. Chocolate is a gift from God!

    Tell us about cinnamon tablets, Kristin. That sounds like another gift from God!

  6. What fun! When my sister, Jackie and it I get together it’s appetizer fest for us. We go out to eat and order appetizers and the last time she visited we made several and that was dinner! Love those times!

  7. Kirsten and Jana, you’re women after my own heart :)

    Nanette, love the idea of an appetizer-fest, too. Of course, I would want to polish it off with a dessert-fest :)

  8. Cinnamon is good for improving glucose and cholesterol metabolism, and it helps you fill full longer by slowing the rate of gastric emptying. It’s hard to get enough cinnamon in your diet to make a difference, although I have tried! I love it, so I always use extra in my spice muffins, pumpkin bread, apple pie, etc. Plus instead of cinnamon sugar toast, I use honey as a sweetener and dump on a lot of cinnamon! (It’s not really that great tasting to eat it alone without a sweetener or without it being baked into something.)

    To get more cinnamon in our diet, we get the cinnamon supplements, which you can find with all the other vitamins in the store! We’ll get our labs checked in August and find out if the cinnamon has helped our numbers or not.

  9. I do have a chocolate weakness. I just bought a super-sized back of Nestle Raisinets. Put them in the freezer for safe keeping. There will be a chocolate tree in heaven.

  10. You all are so cute!! Looks like you have a blast when you get together. I am not a real big chocolate fan but I love caramel on almost anything!

  11. Nancy, I love the thought of a chocolate tree in heaven!! :)

    Alicia, we DO have a blast when we’re together. Love my girls, that’s for sure. By the way, Kristin told me she won your giveaway! So thrilled for her! :)

  12. That looks so delicious :) and fun!!! great memories

  13. I’m with Elaine … I have to steer clear of the goodies lest my wardrobe would advance by one size.

    My girls and I love shopping. It’s all about the hunt, cuz we don’t necessarily have to make a kill (aka purchase).

    Mostly it’s all about doing life together. Good stuff!

  14. Yes, Emily, such great memories!!

    And you’re right, Kathleen — it’s the doing life together that’s the sweetest! :)

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