The Possible Dream

I confess — I’m hooked on American Idol. Don is, too, though he might not want to admit it. We’ve been watching and pronouncing our own living room judgements since the second season. We didn’t discover the show until season one’s finale, or we probably would have jumped on the Idol bandwagon earlier.

We’re obviously not the only ones the show has struck a chord with — no pun intended :) Sounds like millions tune in every week. With my competitive streak and love for music, this show is right up my alley. To make things more interesting, Ryan and the judges do their best to keep the drama going throughout the season.

They’ve just finished airing the audition shows, and those always provide plenty of laughs. What in the world possesses people? Granted, there are several great singers that get their golden tickets to Hollywood, but the majority leave my ears cringing. (Can ears cringe? Mine do during Idol auditions!) I’ve decided these people must have absolutely no ear for music and simply don’t know how bad they sound. Kind of sad, pathetic, and funny all at the same time.

You’ve got to hand it to all who try out, though. They’re definitely putting themselves out there. Taking their shot at making it big. Basically, American Idol is the American dream at work. Anyone (within a certain age range) can try out, and some will indeed go on to succeed and find fame and fortune. That’s probably one of the big reasons the show is a hit. We like to see ordinary, everyday folks like ourselves achieve their dreams, and watching it unfold makes for great tv.

As I mentioned earlier, there are age limitations on this particular American dream, but I know about another opportunity — another dream — that is open to all. God offers to forgive our sins (yes, we’ve all done wrong things) and to give us eternal life in heaven with Him if we will believe in His Son Jesus and ask Him to be our Savior and Lord.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 KJV) That’s right — eternal life for “whosoever”, for anyone. And Romans 10:13 tells us that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Wow. A dream that is possible for anyone and everyone. I’ve called on the name of the Lord. Join me, won’t you?

*Anybody else out there watch American Idol? Confess it with a comment :)

*Flickr photo by BestWDW


  1. I have to admit, we love to watch the auditions. After that, we kind of lose interest. We have more fun watching the people and how crazy they can get just to get attention! That show is always good if you need cheered up!

  2. Lisa, I stick with the show all the way — probably because I like singing and music so much. By the way, hope you get to feeling better soon. I sure missed you while I was trying to help our 1-yr. olds make their Valentine bookmarks :)

  3. I love AI and I worked with a girl that made it to Hollywood and I believe she makes it further! Her name is Asiah so watch for her. I helped train her and we would talk about fashion! :)

  4. Kelli, that’s exciting! During the auditions, I noticed a girl who was from your town & wondered if you knew her. It must have been her! I’ll be watching for her!

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