Midweek Morsel: God Speaks When He Seems Silent

5771861523_5c38e5529e_zAs children of God, we eventually go through periods when God seems quiet—we might even think of them as desert times. Last fall I shared about just such a period in my life lately. We may wonder why God is being silent, why he is not speaking to our spirits as clearly as in the past.

In truth, God speaks to us even in the silence. For example, at times when I may not hear his voice in my spirit, I still hear him speak through his Word. Also consider what Margaret Feinberg says on this topic in her book The Organic God:

“But as I practice the art of listening to God, I am discovering that he is surprisingly talkative even in the silence. Prayers are not going unanswered as much as he is responding in unexpected ways. . . . His voice is found in the wisdom of friends and spiritual leaders. He whispers through dreams and visions and abundant provision. He speaks through both conscience and conviction and an undeniable sense that some thoughts are more like God-thoughts than my own. He even speaks in the silence.”

So let’s take heart, friends, even when God seems quiet. Let’s listen. Let’s be alert to the unexpected. Our loving Father will indeed speak.

“. . . ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening. . .’” 1 Samuel 3:9

*How has God spoken to you even in the silence?

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out in early February. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by seyed mostafa zamini, Creative Commons License

Midweek Morsel: Praying for Favor


“The king said to me, ‘What is it you want?’ Then I prayed to the God of heaven and I answered the king, ‘If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight . . .’” Nehemiah 2:4-5a

Sometimes we find ourselves having to speak or make an appeal in an important or even fearful situation. The stakes are high, our nerves taut. Right words are needed, but even more than that, favor is needed from the one to whom we’re speaking. What do we do?

In the Old Testament, we see what Nehemiah, cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, did in just such a situation. He had heard that the wall of Jerusalem was broken down and that his countrymen were in trouble. He wanted to go help, but he would need the king to look on him with favor and grant him leave to make the journey.

So what did Nehemiah do? He prayed and asked God to give him success and grant him favor with the king. Wisely, Nehemiah knew that God could open the king’s heart to his request. And wisely, Nehemiah prayed before he ever approached the king (Nehemiah 1:11), but as we see in the scripture above, he also whispered a prayer immediately before he made his appeal. Nehemiah relied on prayer, he relied on God.

Are any of us in need of favor today? Let’s remember Nehemiah and his dependence on God. Let’s bathe the situation in prayer.

“The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.” Proverbs 21:1

*When has God granted you favor?

*Flickr photo by peasap, Creative Commons License