Mother of the Bride Relaxation Time—with Coloring!


Mother of the Bride, I’m sure you’ve noticed the adult coloring book craze that’s swept the nation the past year or so. I haven’t jumped on the bandwagon myself yet, but I know lots of folks have and are thoroughly enjoying relaxing through coloring.

Since relaxation is something every mother of the bride longs for (and needs to work into her schedule), why not try coloring, MOB? If you enjoyed coloring as a kid, I bet you’ll love it now, too. And if you didn’t really care about coloring in your younger years, you could still give it a try. After all, we change as we grow older and often develop new hobbies and interests.

Adult coloring books can be found almost anywhere books or crafts are sold now, both in stores and online. BroadStreet Publishing, the publisher of my book Mother of the Bride, is one of many publishers offering adult coloring books. The photo above shows a few of the ones they offer—The 5 Love Languages® coloring book, Beside Still Waters, Cattitudes, and This Is the Day the Lord Has Made.

If you’re ready to relax and refresh through coloring, MOB, here are links to the coloring books BroadStreet offers as well as some links to the coloring books my blogging and artist friend Jana Botkin offers on her website. Hope you find one you’d like to try!

Majestic Expressions coloring books by BroadStreet Publishing

Heart of the Parks by Jana Botkin

Other “Heart Of . . .” coloring books by Jana Botkin

*You might also like to read Relax and Refresh with This Wedding Story and An MOB Prescription: Movie Fun! 


*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out in early November. One current or new subscriber will win a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble so don’t miss out. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Photo courtesy of BroadStreet Publishing

Mother of the Bride Book Coming Soon!

Friends, it’s almost here. Mother of the Bride—Refreshment and Wisdom for the Mother of the Bride releases July 1! Those of you who are on my Life Notes email list (sign-up is free and to the right!) and those of you who follow me on Facebook got your first look at the cover a few days ago, but I wanted to be sure to post it here as well. I absolutely love it!

BroadStreet Publishing has done an amazing job of bringing my vision for the book to life. Last summer when I spoke to them about it, I told them I wanted the book to be beautiful, something that would pamper and minister to MOBs by just holding it in their hands. And I think they hit the ball out of the park. I’m so pleased to be able to offer mothers of the bride a beautiful hardcover book designed especially for them.

Mother of the Bride is at the printer (and is actually available for preorder now), and I am busy with all kinds of marketing preparations. I plan to have a local launch party for the book so if you live anywhere in the vicinity, I’d love to have you join me for that. Closer to time, I’ll create a Facebook event to keep you informed of date, time, and place. Very exciting, huh?!

I can’t tell you how grateful I am to God for the incredible blessing of seeing this book published. My prayer is that it will be a blessing to all who read it and that many, whether mother of the bride or not, will decide to make it their go-to gift for mothers of the bride they know now and in the years to come. Thanks for joining in my joy!

“Come let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving . . .” Psalm 95:1-2a

Here’s a more detailed description of the book for those who are interested:

When women become mothers of the bride, they take on a delightful but demanding new role. While trying to maintain life as they knew it before their daughters’ big announcements, mothers of the bride are also called upon to magically morph into wedding planners, help their daughters navigate the journey to the altar, and establish new and loving relationships with their prospective sons-in-law and their families. With all focus and finances dedicated to the brides and the weddings themselves, the needs of mothers of the bride are often overlooked.

Mother of the Bride helps these special women step away from the hurried pace of daily life complicated by their challenging new role. It offers them the refreshment found in discovering community as they take time for themselves—time to be encouraged, to gain helpful insight and practical tips, and to enjoy the feminine beauty of a book designed just for them.

Through essays featuring relevant quotes or Scriptures, personal stories, nuggets of wisdom, simple suggestions for personal pampering, journaling opportunities, communication aids, and practical tips for wedding planning, Mother of the Bride will nurture the all-important but too often neglected mother of the bride.

*Have you ever been a mother of the bride? Will you be one in the future? Do you know an MOB now?

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out in early May. Sign-up is free and to the right!

My Mother of the Bride Book Coming Soon!

3D-photo-with-reflection-smallMothers of the Bride, it’s almost here. Mother of the Bride—Refreshment and Wisdom for the Mother of the Bride releases July 1! Those of you who are on my Life Notes email list (sign-up is free and to the right!) and those of you who follow me on Facebook got your first look at the cover a few days ago, but I wanted to be sure to post it here as well. I absolutely love it!

BroadStreet Publishing has done an amazing job of bringing my vision for the book to life. Last summer when I spoke to them about it, I told them I wanted the book to be beautiful, something that would pamper and minister to MOBs by just holding it in their hands. And I think they hit the ball out of the park. I’m so pleased to be able to offer all of you mothers of the bride a beautiful hardcover book designed especially for you.

Mother of the Bride is at the printer (and is actually available for preorder now), and I am busy with all kinds of marketing preparations. I plan to have a local launch party for the book so if you live anywhere in the vicinity, I’d love to have you join me for that. Closer to time, I’ll create a Facebook event to keep you informed of date, time, and place. Very exciting, huh?!

I can’t tell you how grateful I am to God for the incredible blessing of seeing this book published. My prayer is that it will be a blessing to all who read it and that many, whether mother of the bride or not, will decide to make it their go-to gift for mothers of the bride they know now and in the years to come. Thanks for joining in my joy!

“Come let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving . . .” Psalm 95:1-2a

Here’s a more detailed description of the book:

When women become mothers of the bride, they take on a delightful but demanding new role. While trying to maintain life as they knew it before their daughters’ big announcements, mothers of the bride are also called upon to magically morph into wedding planners, help their daughters navigate the journey to the altar, and establish new and loving relationships with their prospective sons-in-law and their families. With all focus and finances dedicated to the brides and the weddings themselves, the needs of mothers of the bride are often overlooked.

Mother of the Bride helps these special women step away from the hurried pace of daily life complicated by their challenging new role. It offers them the refreshment found in discovering community as they take time for themselves—time to be encouraged, to gain helpful insight and practical tips, and to enjoy the feminine beauty of a book designed just for them.

Through essays featuring relevant quotes or Scriptures, personal stories, nuggets of wisdom, simple suggestions for personal pampering, journaling opportunities, communication aids, and practical tips for wedding planning, Mother of the Bride will nurture the all-important but too often neglected mother of the bride.

*Hope it blesses all of you mothers of the brides!

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out in early May. Sign-up is free and to the right!

Theme Word for 2016: Adventure!

DSC05436Do you mark the beginning of a new year by selecting a theme word for the year? Some people refer to it as an anchor word and others even choose an anchor verse from the Bible. I jumped on the theme word bandwagon back in 2012, and I’m so glad I did.

I love how a theme word keeps me focused on a particular quality or action throughout the year. I don’t think of my chosen theme word every day, but I do think of it periodically. It helps keep me on track or gives me guidance. It does indeed feel like an anchor, especially during times of decision both large and small.

The word I’ve chosen for 2016 is adventure. Exciting, right? Yes, but in my mind, also a little scary. What will the year hold? Will I embrace the adventures about to unfold? Will I be up for the challenges?

One reason I chose adventure as my theme word is because of the huge adventure that awaits me with the publication of my mother of the bride book. As you may know, this is my first time around the book publishing block so it will all be one huge adventure for me—not only working with the BroadStreet Publishing team to get the book ready, but also marketing the book once it’s released. And since I will do some traveling in order to market this niche book to mothers of the bride, I anticipate plenty of new things and adventure along the way.

Another adventure that will keep me plenty busy—and traveling as well—will be my ongoing adventure of grandparenting twin baby boys. Isaiah and James turned one year old yesterday, and they are on the move. Their mama and daddy can benefit from an extra pair of hands and a little relief from time to time, and I am more than happy to provide that when I can. They live nearly six hours away so I’m not able to help as often as I’d like, but I do my best to make the trek every month or two.

I’m not sure of all the other adventures (which many times present themselves as challenges!) that the Lord has in store for me this year, but one thing I’m sure of—he will be with me every step of the way and carry me if need be. And even though nerves may try to get the best of me at times, I really have no reason to fear. I am not alone on this adventure we call life. The Lord will be my strong support and guide. And he is always up for a challenge!

“‘See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?’” Isaiah 43:19a

*What adventures await you this year? Any you would like to initiate yourself?

*My photo

Exciting News—A Book Contract!

IMG_3239*I’ll be skipping my upcoming Monday post since it will be Labor Day. See you next Thursday for a Midweek Morsel!

I have some exciting news, everyone! I recently signed a book contract with BroadStreet Publishing for my mother of the bride book! You may have already heard all about it if you’re a subscriber to my Life Notes newsletter (sign-up is free on the right sidebar) or if you follow me on Facebook, but I wanted to be sure and announce it here as well. After all, this is news worth celebrating everywhere, right?!

I’m so very grateful God has opened this door for me. It’s been a long journey but also an amazing one to see how God worked to connect me to a perfect publisher for my MOB book. All along I’ve envisioned a beautiful gift book that will not only refresh and encourage mothers of the bride but will offer them wisdom and practical help, too. Since BroadStreet’s books include beautiful gift books, they are able to make that dream a reality. How I praise and thank God for blessing me with this opportunity!

The title and release date are still tentative, but I will keep you posted. I’m beyond thrilled that my book will soon be available to bless mothers of the bride. And if you’re not a mother of the bride, keep in mind that it will make the perfect go-to gift in the coming years for mothers of the bride you know. Won’t it be fun to bless them with a gift designed especially for them?

I also want to give a huge thanks to my agent Karen Neumair of Credo Communications for believing in me and this book project. And thanks to all of you for rejoicing with me today. Dreams really can come true!

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

*When has God done more for you than you could ask or imagine?

*My photo