9 Ways to Journal Your Remembrance


“A scroll of remembrance was written . . .” Malachi 3:16b

Do you like to journal? Or has it crossed your mind that you should write down some of your thoughts or family history for your kids, grandkids, and the generations to come? Since Bible times people have seen the need or felt the urge to record events, information about people, blessings of God, and so on. In Malachi’s day, a “scroll of remembrance” was written. Today we grab journals to record our personal scrolls of remembrance.

As a writer, I love to journal in a variety of ways. You might think I keep a daily diary of lengthy entries, but I don’t. I take a more topical approach. I keep different journals for different purposes.

I have a gratitude journal that is indeed daily, but each entry may be only a sentence or short paragraph. I also have a seed journal for my writing ideas, a “Mighty Things” journal where I record the mighty things God has done for me, and a “Beautiful Words” journal that holds beautiful and amazing-to-me phrases, sentences, or passages from whatever I’m currently reading. And believe it or not, I’d like to start a travel journal sometime soon as well. Plus, I can’t wait for the day when I get to start a grandparent’s journal. Do you think I might have a journaling addiction?!

If journaling sounds overwhelming to you or you’re afraid you might not follow through, here are several ways you can journal your remembrance. Maybe one these will work for you!

1. The classic daily journal or diary—no rules, no set length, just record daily whatever you want.

2. A daily gratitude journal—write down at least one thing you are grateful for that day. This journal has the added benefit of changing your entire outlook on life.

3. A video journal—this is a great option for those that writing doesn’t appeal to.

4. Topical journals—like my “Mighty Things” or “Beautiful Words” journals, just choose a topic and write according to whatever schedule works for you.

5. A travel journal—this has its own built-in time frame. Whenever you travel! Also, rather than writing about your journey, you could fill your journal with souvenirs (see souvenir journal photo above).

6. A journal with ready-made writing prompts—there are a variety of these available. Some are for moms to write for their kids, grandparents to write for their grandkids, sweethearts to write for one another, wedding journals, etc.

7. A prayer journal—write out your prayers or write down your prayer requests and then record the answers as God gives them. And by the way, I forgot to mention earlier that I keep one of these, too!

8. An art journal—if you like to sketch more than you like to write, this could be the journal for you.

9. Journal in your Bible—record insights, happenings, blessings from God, etc., in the margins of your Bible near scriptures that are especially applicable or have been meaningful to you. Or you can write special remembrances in those front or back blank pages.

Why not choose one of these journaling methods and give it a try? I think you’ll be glad you did—and I’m sure a future generation will!

“Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.” Psalm 102:18

*Did these ideas spur any other journaling ideas for you?

*Flickr photo by Paper Relics (Hope W. Karney), Creative Commons License


  1. I’ve always felt bad that I couldn’t keep focus on a daily journal. I love the idea of having journals for different purpose. I’m going to ponder that idea — as to whether it might work for me.

    I love the phrase “scroll of remembrance.” Big e-hug to you today!

    • Debbie, so glad the topical journal sounds like a good idea to you. They don’t feel as overwhelming as keeping up with a daily journal. I personally love having topical journals. And I just remembered I forgot to mention in the post that I also have a Christmas journal — one where I record special memories/moments from each season. Just started that a few years ago, and now I wish I’d done that much earlier. Topical journals are pretty special. I say go for it! :) Big e-hug to you, too!

  2. The only time I journal, per se, is during November when I keep a gratitude journal. Must list 5 things/day, but can’t repeat anything the entire month. First week or two isn’t hard, then I find I have to look for blessings. Then I discover they’ve been there all along, I just wasn’t looking for them!

    • Vonda, thanks for sharing another idea for journaling our gratitude. Sounds like a great plan and very doable since it’s just for a month. Love how it spurs you on to notice things that you don’t normally give much thought to. That happened to me when I kept a 1,000 Things journal after reading Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts. Lord, give us eyes to see the many blessings around us all the time!

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